Yup! Had these paintings sitting for 8 years, not quite gathering dust as I used to hang them up as decoration with thumb tacs.
The thing is I bought them in Jamaica and in order to carry them back, I asked the artistes to take them off the frame. Little did I know that getting them reframed wouldn’t be an inexpensive task in Japan and I’m not really the wood 🪵 work type.
I really love the art from Jamaica and the Caribbean with it’s roots in Africa. Though many of the artistes use cheeper materials like the paint, the colors and designs make up for that.
When I first decided to start a Jamaican goods shop, the main thing I wanted to sell was art and craft as no one was really doing it. But then I focused on what sold consistently... food.
If I were in Jamaica right now knowing what I know, I’d go to many of these artistes right now and ask if I could scan their paintings to try and sell them, then I’d put them as NFTS with an unlock-able feature for the first person that purchases, they would get the original shipped to them. Not saying I can’t do this from Japan but it would be easier if I were there.
The thing is, the artiste in the Jamaican tourist industry probably have their stash in a storeroom ( so I’ve heard) as there aren’t many people to buy. And the tourists who like Jamaica ( or Jamaicans / caribbean massive abroad) but don’t want to travel at the moment would feel a kind of emotional connection to a purchase like that especially if they have already been to Jamaica and seen the craft markets. Or it could just be someone who loves reggae or art in general.
Trust me, I had an emotional attachment to these as well, there is one I have left that I don’t think I’d sell.... well.. for the right price I would. 😝
But yeah, 8 years later, writing this now I realize the emotional/sentimental attachment to all the 🖼, is why I didn’t sell them faster, cause trust me, when I really want to sell something, I sell it! Hmmm and on that note, time to focus on what needs selling. 🤔
hustling over hoarding
Real talk
