Brand New Shenseeea, this one is titled “Dolly”. Just by hearing the Riddim, one who is into the dancehall scene would now it was produced by Chimney records. Unlike many dancehall producers these days, the Chimney Record camp is sticking to the dancehall roots while also creating new sounds in the genre.
At first glance one would think this is Nicki Minaj as she is notorious for the “Barbie” slogan and branding ( I hope Barbie LTD is actually paying her). But Shenseea is keeping it gully, this ain’t Barbie but she’s pretty like a dolly. Now, one thing she makes clear is that even though she looks like a dolly, she has her own money, which she spends on her self and her name can’t be called up by Tom, Dick and Harry Toddler. Well she didn’t say it in those words but you get the point.
Give it a listen at let me know what you think below.
Release Date : Jan 4, 2022