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RE: Spring Flowers are Out for 2022

in ReggaeJAHM3 years ago

Out and about in nature is the best place to be!

Brighter days indeed. All restrictions in Jamaica lifted I heard. Couldn’t believe my ears. In Japan we have had it quite easy with restrictions compared to other countries. But still it’s good to know that people getting out more.

One thing spring in Japan always feels like to me, is the real New Years, all the changes, all the goodbyes and natural “fireworks” in nature.

On that note, Blessings bro! All the best in the new year.


Blessings to you and the fam bro.
I imagine this season is a great time for you to get your photography going. Lots of great subjects in nature with beauty all around. Natural 🎆 as you rightly put it.
Here's to the arrival of Spring.