Good morning from the Far East. If you know my content pattern you will know that when I get busy I tend to focus on photography. Why? It’s good bite size content and I love photography. The new work year has just started in Japan and it is the busiest season. Students enter new schools, workers enter new jobs, others the unemployment line and the whole tax cycle starts again. But through all the hustle and bustle, there is a lot of beauty to be seen in spring in this country, I guess it’s God’s way of helping us keep sane in the system.
For instance these Koinobori 🎏. They represent Children’s Day in Japan which is a national holiday about a month from the start of the busy season. In my mind they represent going with the flow of life but always staying above water as they are usually seen above rivers or streams. I leave you with this new song by Chronixx titled Never Give Up. Though the song is more from a love relationship perspective, the truth is most of the time we do our best for others.
Chronixx - Never Give Up