in The City of Neoxian3 months ago

I want to talk about success this

morning. Success is a popular phenomenon, everyone at some point have used the word success at some point in time.
What is succes? Success simply means "the achievement of one's aim or goal" according to English dictionary. May people view success only in terms of wealth or finances. The truth is that one might be wealthy and still not successful in some aspects of his life. For instance, a wealthy politician might not win election, that means he hasn't succeeded in that particular aspect.
However, there is no one who doesn't want to be successful in life, but the truth is that everyone can not be successful, due to certain reasons which I'm going to mention. Hardly you see any young person who want to be a gardener, a gate keeper, a truck pusher etc. Rather they will tell you they want to be pilots, engineers, governors and so on.
The fact is that, everyone wants to be succ in life , but not all are willing to pay the price for success. For us to achieve success or our set goals, we must be ready to pay the price. Nothing good comes easy. Every successful person today must have paid a price to get what he actually wanted. Success is not achieved on a platter of gold, it's not achieved on a bed of roses. You work to earn it.
There are some key principles I'll like to share, that could help us achieve success in life, they include, but not limited to to the following:

  1. Hard work: there is a saying "no food for a lazy man" for one to actually achieve a set goal, he must work for it, he must labour for it. The book of proverbs talks about the ants who are very little but hard working creatures. The provides their food in the summer, without having any ruler or master, but yet they achieve a lot through hard work.
    A lot of people believe in luck, but the truth is that one could actually have good luck but he isn't successful, probably as a result of misused opportunities. Hard work is one of the key principles of success.
  2. Sacrifice: Sacrifice is another principle of success, anyone who wishes to succeed in life must be ready to pay the price of success. For example, a student who wants to achieve good results and academic records, must be ready to burn the midnight candle, he must spend time reading while others are sleeping, he must be ready to attend lectures regularly, pay attention to teachers or lecturers. There is a saying " No pain no gain.
  3. The next principle I want to mention is Patience: patience is a virtue, impatient people usually go through short cut in life, which in the end might cut them short. The truth is that there is no short cut to success in life. While working hard and putting in your efforts, you have to wait patiently and hope for it. There's is time for everything, another person's time might not be the same with yours. That your friend has made it doesn't mean it's your time, wait patiently for your time, it will sure come no matter how it tarries.
  4. Consistency: keep doing what you know how to do best. It is not yet over until it is over. Hold on until u achieve it. Don't give up. A lot of people give up when they are at the very point of achieving it. Failure is just an opportunity for you to try again. If you fail today, keep trying, one day you will get it. Goal getters are always consistent.
    5.Discipline: this another key factor that enhances success, Show me a man who is disciplined, I will show you a successful man. One must be able to discipline himself in finances, and other factors that could cause setbacks.
  5. Self-confidence: Have confidence in yourself, believe you can do it, confess positively. If you say you can, then you can. Keep telling yourself you can do it, you can make. Don't accept failure for anything, desire the best, get encouragement from those who have made it, they are humans like you.
    In summary, if we adhere to certain princi of success, we can always achieve anything we want.

The pictures are mine


Hey guys