Thinking of growing overnight

in HiveGhanalast month

Elders will tell you that all we have and enjoy nowadays were not in their youthful age, sometimes, all we have are seen as a blessing's, and on the other hand, it is not, because it seems, the lifestyle people keeps nowadays are just about growing overnight, and flying, even when they do not have wing's like bird.

It is no doubt that the most known way to have growth is to work and invest, it was what our father's did back then, but you see recently, I do not believe, more people consider a thing like this anymore.

I mean what most people belief these days is that savings do not guaranteed anything, when it is that time for them to grow, they will, but I do wonder, if they are going to sleep in the night, and wakeup with the growth without investing.

Back then, our forefathers used a mini bank at home, to drop some funds weekly, and in a month time, or a year, depending on what was their estimation, they will open it and by so doing, the funds putting in there will be enough for them to start a project or, do something that was very necessary for them to do in the neighborhood.

A teacher already make me to understand that, sometimes, things we want are nailed down when we saved, and expect the money to get to the amount we want to used and get the item.

I received the called that someone I know isn't taking proper spending of his salary, the deal is, he got an employment, and his mother isn't happy with the way he behave once he got paid a salary.

She wants him to start planning himself, and, as well think of having a family, but he sees beer parlor as his home once he got his salary, according to the mother, she said, she was totally pissed off when he came back home last night drunk, because it was not the way he left home.

She expects I talked to him, but i was unable to tell the mother that I have already did that a long time ago, but the son would not listened, it just that if he try and listened, before few days time, I will see him doing the same thing, once he is on money.

It is not like visiting a beer parlor is bad, it's not at all, because, it is a place i do go as well, but it's unfair when a person want to take it like his home, or hardly control himself when he is on money.

I think earlier last year, it was the same thing I told him, to start saving for projects that he can do, and as well think ahead, but when I told him, he did not took my words, and for a moment, I felt stupid, because it was none of my business, but I just brought in the agenda, since he is my friend, and, of course, I need the best for him.

At that spot, he responded to me that, his salary was too small for him to start saving, it was when i realized that I should mine my own business.

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Let nobody tell you otherwise, the importance of savings cannot be overemphasized.

I truly believe in this bro, and I will not let my mind to be shift away from the importance.

A lot of people begin to behave someway the moment they start earning money. Sometimes you can’t even blame them. They’ve been broke for far too long.

Very true @abenad they have been broke for far too long, then, as money start coming, it became a problem, instead of a blessings. I wish he change, and look the right way. Moreover, behave in a way that is going to make his mother proud.

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