This statement was popular in our locality within the year 2000 and 2001, it was brought by a long vehicle, the car was a lorry. People called the car "the young shall grow" as at that stage of my life, I did not understand that the name was written on the car.
Due to the way people called the car by that name, I and my friends did not know it was written on the car, I guessed, we didn't know that because we were kids, yet, I and the people of my age, used to recognized the car by it long style, and also, the headlights was different from other vehicle's.
Therefore, taking from that time till date, I have understand a lot about the reason why the words " the young shall grow" was crested on the car, and why that was not the name of the car.
I went to a store today, because i wanted to get custard, milk and other stuff, and I saw a long car passing by the road, it makes me remember those days when that car was very popular in the neighborhood, how we used to fancy it, shout at it whenever we see it, and at times, run at it and hob at the back of the car.
Do you know how excited we was, any time we saw it? Anybody that was able to hob on the car, was very happy throughout that day, it was very possible for us to do that, because, even if the car, at times drive very fast, it used to slow down once it gets to the muddy places.
The deal was, there was some places on the road that was full of gallops, muds, and waters, so that car which normally carry's a load of products would not speed when it gets to those places on the road.
By that time, my understanding was not broader, and looking back at that time, I am able to know everything that was going on, and, the way we feel then was that the car was the latest of all, but right now, I am able to get it that, it wasn't so, because it was a car used to carry good's like maize, bean's, yam and other products to the market for sell.
Moreover, in the farm today, I saw this flower, from what I observe, it seems like a plants that will grow bigger in the future, but today, this plants is small and cute, it can not be compared to other plants in the farm, but it stunning color attract me so much.
Just as it normal took place, in many years to come the plants will not be like this anymore.
Anything in life grow, be it man, plants and animals, at that very level we see them today, tomorrow they will not be at that same level, it gives me joy seeing the changes I have went through in life.
Image is mine.