Be Positive (B+)

in HiveGhana2 months ago

Hello Everyone in this Amazing community
I hope this post met you all well.


This is my first post Here this year, so I think it's just good enough to wish everyone a very Awesome and Happy New Year.

Positivity is a choice, a state of mind you choose to be in, or lemme put it in a layman's term positivity is how you see good in every bad, a mental state of always being optimistic.

There is something I hate so much in life, I hate people who are pessimistic. People who their aura reflect Negativity always are always far from me.
I am a man that loves connecting with people, I love positive minded people, although I don't talk much, my circle of friends are small, but my circle of Social and work partners are Large.
Business grow by partnership and resources utilised in the right manner.


Most of the time before making you a friend or partner, I evaluate you from deep within your soul lol, people might find this funny but before I actually search and scan you through the way you speak, think, the energy emitting from you, the emotions and many other things like the way you think (do you focus on positive thoughts and attitudes or you just have a negative thoughts about things), your acts of gratitude, Optimism ( are you always hopeful and always expecting positive outcome), do you have resilience and Confidence that no Matter what happens I won't give up.
I can use all the above to evaluate you.
This is because if all you do is not radiating a kind of grAce of positivity, I will cut you off hastily.

This simply means you are not a person of progress, people who have negative thoughts always ends up being down with anxiety and depression, most of them even have low self esteem and mood swings.
In Business partnering with such kind of people will crumble your business or make you have a stunted growth. Also if you have those type of people in your career, they might likely affect your way of thinking too.

Why is being Positive important to me.

One of the Major things about faith that most people don't know is that positive is also a way of showing faith.
Positive mindset is an every thriving mindset. God keeps telling us in His word not To Fear and Worry. This was repeated over and over again. Whenever you are negative it simply means that you fear good thing won't happen or maybe you feel you are not worthy of the Great things happening within and around you or Maybe you keep having the feelings that Things can't turn out well for you. All these example cited are against Faith.

For Me the Number one importance of positive Mindset is that it Makes my Faith Stronger.

Positivity or Positive thoughts boost my mood and makes me Happy.

Positivity builds my confidence.

Positivity also connects me with the Right MInds and people that will bring progress to my life.

In conclusion:
Make sure you Always Start your day with a smile and a grateful ❤️. Positivity is a choice, and it's contagious too, Believe in yourself, focus on the good, and spread kindness wherever you go, life is too short to be pessimistic.

All the pictures are mine

Thanks for Reading through

Do have An Awesome weekend 🙏❤️