Hike To Align & Redefine

in Self Improvement8 months ago


The new year always finds me taking a hike up a near by hill to visit a shrine and enjoy the scenery. Heck, the year ended that way as well. There is just something about a hike that gets my spirit in a state of peace and ready for the hustle and bustle of the year.

The new year is a time when many feel anxious about various things such as all the money we spent over the holidays and another big one is the amount of weight we have gained. Then there is the goal setting or lack there of. But one sure way to clear the mind and get on track is to take a hike and soak up nature...no matter how cold it gets in your corner of the globe. It is also a great way to drag the kids from the tablet screen and get some green in their eyes. Heck, before writing the post just now I went for a brisk walk and stretch in the winter night to get my mind right and the words are flowing through my finger tips.

This year is a very eventful one, for us in crypto, the pending ETF is the star of the show at the moment but then there is the US elections ( not American but the world watches) and can you believe it...another Olympic games this summer? There are plenty of other things going on but I believe these are the top three. Underneath all this is the concern many have of the future that tends to cripple us from living in the now, we are always looking forward to some external event to make or break our vibe. Many are looking forward to the bull run and ETF to make them feel great again about their investments, others are looking forward to the elections so they can throw themselves into politics to feel they are making a difference and then we have the olympics to make us come together as one, forget all our problems and be proud of our nations.


Don't get me wrong, all exciting events coming up in 2024, but then what? Looking for the next external to bring us hope and happiness? Yeah you know exactly what I am gonna say. Imagine if you could feel that excitement and hope without waiting on all those external events? This I believe is the difference between those who suffer and those who live abundantly. Where do I stand at the moment? Somewhere in the middle. And to help me crossover to the abundant side I use prayer and my prayer usually takes place when I am hiking /walking/ out in nature. Ha I guess you could say it’s an external event that’s always there waiting for us.
Now to get to that other side, prayer alone won't cut it, I know, but before we set out to conquer we need to know first of all what we are conquering and where the destination is. If you know all this already kudos to you. I am at a point where I don't have a clue. There is a lot I want to do and have done and at the heart of most what I have done has to do with serving and representing my country Jamaica. My Jamaican goods ecomm store, the reggaejahm community, my reggae digital stickers, events and my music. But now my question to myself is how can I really SERVE a great number of people with these offerings. Where do I go from here? Have I been going about it the wrong way? Were my intentions inline with the divine? ( That is a question that just popped in my head.)



So I go for a hike to clear my mind and open it up to be inspired. This might not happen right away but I believe it helps. I also try to surround myself with a balance of messages from inspiring podcasts such a “The Diary of A CEO” and Joel Osteen to name a few. Reading books does a great wonder for
me as well but these days it takes me way too long to read an entire book as I don’t have much time to myself except when I’m driving.


So if you are feeling stuck in a rut, get out, take a hike, a bike ride, a run, a walk out in nature. It will work wonders. What do you do get and stay inspired? Comment down below. I’d love to know.




Yeah you know exactly what I am gonna say. Imagine if you could feel that excitement and hope without waiting on all those external events? This I believe is the difference between those who suffer and those who live abundantly.

Hello you beautiful human :)

It's around us all of the time. We only need to shift our focus. But not get lost in one perspective, in case we need to shift to find an ever better environment and experience, I think?

I reckon, because things are always changing, that we need to stay as aware of what is happening around us (and what we are experiencing) as possible. This way we can change and adapt as quickly!

Bruce Lee said something about being flexible like a blade of grass and flowing like water, I think. He said this was true "strength" and that water would wear away even the most stubborn rock over time!

I love this analogy.

I don't think it's the strongest who survive. Or - to word it better - who truly live!

I think it's the most adaptable and present! :D (But that was Darwin's theory. Wasn't it?)

Beautiful post and so interesting to see Japan! Always. Thank you

Hello you light filled being:)

It's around us all of the time. We only need to shift our focus.

Amazing reminder, it is like the universe sent you here to comment on this post to give me some inspiration

I reckon, because things are always changing, that we need to stay as aware of what is happening around us (and what we are experiencing) as possible. This way we can change and adapt as quickly!

That definitely makes a lot of sense, especially in 2024 where things seem to be happening back to back like fireworks. I really love your perspective and wisdom.

The Bruce Lee analogy and Darwin analogy! Yes! Good stuff, and I think this is mostly how I try to live, but ever so often I my get off track, but I know pivoting to that state is where the bliss of life is.

You gave me a lot of inspiration with this comment, a lot to mediate on and remember.
Thank you very much dear.
Blessings in the year ahead and beyond!

That definitely makes a lot of sense, especially in 2024 where things seem to be happening back to back like fireworks

Hey?! It's accelerated to Lightspeed! 😅

I really love your perspective and wisdom

Ditto, my new found wise one!

but ever so often I my get off track, but I know pivoting to that state is where the bliss of life is.

Don't we all. Now we can remind each other 😀

And same back to you for all the rest. I'll see you on the journey again for sure! ❤️

Ah... thank you for the tip!

That just made my day (again) in full :)

It is not easy to have always hope, inspiration, and all the vibe without taking into account the external events. That is a state we do have to try to achieve and have our internal peace, our attitude no matter what is happening around us. It is the path we take and learn and improve to reach that peace of mind. Inspiration - hmm, that is an enigma how it comes, usually if a spark we get can make a fire in our mind and heart. A word, a book, a walk, music, a gaze, anything can work in the right moment and place, though it can't be forced, it comes or not 😁

Hope you are doing well, @dmilliz, hug to you and your little ones!!

Very true it's not easy at all, the slightest word much less news can throw off off course if we let it.

Ah yes and the learning never ends and we constantly need to be reminded. M

An enigma indeed, like a whisper from the universe and if you wait too long it disappears or doesn't have the same ❤️‍🔥 passion.

Anything can work in the right moment indeed, sometimes we require little, some times we acquire a lot to be inspired. Hahha oh yes, it definitely can't be forced, I've learnt that through writing ✍🏾 songs.

Oh it well on my side, thanks for the heartfelt comment. I hope you and yours have a wonderful New Year✨
Blessings dear ✨

An enigma indeed, like a whisper from the universe and if you wait too long it disappears or doesn't have the same ❤️‍🔥 passion.

That's why I didn't wait too long and as we talked here about inspiration, I included and mentioned your post in the one that I published today 😉

Oh is that so...😄 Nice. I am gonna have to find that post. It has been a few days forgive me for the late reply.

One basic thing I do and get inspired is singing
Also, sitting along inspires me a lot and even allows me to be able to meditate

Ah singing. That's a good one! Sitting is a good one as well as long as we can keepn the phones away from us.

In the same way we all have traveled during vacations and enjoyed with friends, so going to such places and seeing the natural scenery gives our mind a lot of relaxation.

Indeed, being around family and friends can definitely inspire and seeing new places. Nature is always there for us.

Music inspires me a lot and having a quiet time meditating is my true source of inspiration.

Ah music, I read this just now and told Siri to play me some new era gospel. 🙏 meditation is something I need to dive deeper into.

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I am hoping soon someday, I will also go for a hike. I trust and believe the experience will be adventurous and worth while