you do not know right?
or it's hard to believe
looks at me you will see
it's always written in me
not just in my heart
It's about my mind
how I placed you inside.
You grow not like them
understand yourself
always know you are unique
we have talked about the place
the chest game
you were the best in it
it brought the cheerful time's
without the win
I already heart you in the arena.
We will not talk about age
I do not want to go there
unless you want us to say it
you nor me are older
in the heart we are younger
that is what is keeping us as one
don't you know?
it is always that connecting wire
breaking that barrier's
keeping us as one.
When we develop arguing habit, it's not always a good sign, but that doesn't mean, we should give up on the person we treasure when we began to see something like that, because, there are moments people argue just to proof something right to us.
It is just a two way game, where we have to look at the angle the person is speaking from first, before anything else. I have been in such situation.
And, from that day, I learnt that people do not argue for nothing, yet sometimes, they have seen, that the person knew little of what he says.
But, I always said that, for us not to have an argument of anything, we have to accept the thing's people said first, and as well, put it in the best way.
With this done, it will not be us that will point it out that, the person were not all that right, but he/she will get it, he was just an attempt that he make.
Image is mine.