What are you saying?
she is my treasure
do not put my baby aside
she is mine
we are happy together
plus my love for her
we love just like each other
normality not formality
she is very serious with me.
What more is there?
I have found my best friend
my heart keeper
my energy giver
my storyline
where i start my conversation from
with her the melody's are like magic.
She taught me meanings
gives me explanations
clearing my doubts
boasting my feeling's
we are enjoying the marriage
the person with awesome laugh
in my mouth she make smiles
with caring hands.
People said he was not going to be accepted, because she has shown no interest for suitors that wants to marry her, they think she was focusing on her business only, and was not thinking marriage, but apart from that, it was her dream to be a helping hands to people.
Yet, she was never doing more than her strength, she do thing's on a steady pace.
The deal is, she needed someone who will understand her dreams, because it was not just as they see her, there were a lot in her life, they did not know.
So, this make her to take time to accept who was coming to her life, and it was until, she knows he was the kind of man she wants, then, she gave him a way.
And, just as she expects, he was an understanding person, he loves her, stood by her, contribute to her dream, and see her achieve it.
After many years, she looks back at the time she started her cosmetic business, how bold she was at that age, and the choice she has made in her life, it makes her to smile many times, because she realizes, it was a very good decision.