Debt feelings

in Blockchain Poets2 months ago

giving us many unhealthy ideas
wanting to consume us
making us to feels like we are not complete
taking away comfortability
giving into our mind laziness
personally I fight to push it out
but we get it not but the response
enjoying through the resource
the stars are there after lt
we are going to enjoy it
the phone will be on the better ringtone
not many times as we see it
made in importance and value

lt was and about love
that is where it goes on
Playground feeling's after lt
smiling faces after lt
best like a trading pattern
giving a great day after it
something l can't vote for
no day to better about
seems like a nice decision on start
almost forgotten about that
sees like wrong later on
forgotten the plan

make happy person's
light up the verses about them
shows together people
victory's of stuff in concerned
watching where is good for person's
best wishes and luck
not except love
sending where is trust
of best person's
accepting excited heart
giving best wind that favours

This poem look into the way we feel when we are indebt, the feelings are not a happy thing at all, I recalled when I owe my cousin some money, although i gave him the money on the date I kept for him.

l did not feel so good about it, in those moments when I was yet to give him. Within those days, when we were talking, all l was thinking of was his money, and l was praying things comes as planned so that I can gave it back to him. Fortunately, lt comes as l want lt to.

The deal is, it is not good to borrow money from a person, l think we should try as much as possible to manage with what we have.

lmage source


Borrowing is not good, even if it's as little as borrowing airtime or data from network providers

Yes, you are very much right, @lecia89. Borrowing ls not something that's good for a person to stick to. Happy New Year.

Good afternoon, thank you so much, have a great day.