Dailyprompt - suffer the little mice

in Freewriters5 months ago

I couldn't stand it, I turned my face to another direction, he was making her to cry, the cries were not common, Jake said he was doing an examination, he is studying the mice, so that he compare it to the rat he examine the other day, yet he was suffering the mice.

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I moved away from him and I get to the car park, it was admirable at the place, because I didn't hear the cry of the mice anymore.

That poor thing was not happy with the way Jake touch her, he likes this, yes, Jake like doing something like this, the other day he was doing the same thing with a rat, if not that his mother came back to the house and asked him to let the rat go, he shouldn't have done what was appropriate.

I used to wonder why was Jake not a science student, he studied fine and applied art in school, but be has so much interests in science, a day would never pass without him examining an animal to know one thing or other about these animals.

After he has taken note of what he wanted to know about the mice, he let her go, I heard the freedom voice of the mice, from the car park, I know it was not suffering anymore.

Jake came and apologize to me, I told him, "he doesn't needs to, because, he is fond of it, so I understand him and as my friend, what he has interests on should not let me cut my relationship with him.

I left the spot, because I couldn't stands it, when the mice was crying, it shows to me, she was suffering, so I have to shift and let you finished what you were doing, before we can talked.

Jake stated what he realized about a mice, he said that, mice may be small in nature, but they have a very strong legs and hands, their stomach are somehow hard than a stomach of a rat.

He was saying so many things about a mice to me, I didn't want to know all these, because my interest were not in knowing it, I told Jake what was the meetup and we get to the point.