5 minutes freewrite prompt: presentation of ideas

in Freewriters11 months ago

A lot of us believed that private schools was better than public schools, so when the argument was going on, the English teacher was just close b, so he overheard us arguing about it, he told us that we will have a debate so that each groups would defend their opinion for the whole school to judge.

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He group the class into two and that was after his lesson for that day, the presentation was on the coming monday, I didn't joined the debate, I rather was watching the event, because it doesn't makes sense to me, on what we were debating about.

I do not believe any school be it private or public is better than any, because, some students in those schools perform than another, so, this kind of calculations, i do not know how it can be done to get an answer.

Well, a lot of people said their minds on the debate and what they believe was the way forward.

so after the debate, a room was giving to any students to say something, but it must be a student from the class that debate, so that they judge's could decide and tell everyone which group idea presentation was nice.

I raised my hand and I got the mic, In my opinion, I didn't support any group, I was neutral, but I have a point I make in the idea presentation, which was that, it doesn't matter which school it is, either public or private, but when a student dedicates so much of his time, reading ahead of the syllabus, he would be brilliant, private schools or public doesn't signified us, but we ourselves we can make ourselves brilliant or dull.

After my speech, I handover the microphone to the speaker, and the judges said I go out of point, but to be frank, they thoughts I have given a final answer to the debate, therefore, the two groups are winner's, every students should read their books and studied amicably.