5 minutes freewrite prompt: contrasting colours

in Freewriterslast year

I thought the colours I was looking for will be so hard to find, I moved around the shop for long searching of a material that's contrasting and then I saw it, the contrasting colour's were so admiring but in as that, I was unable to get close because the colour was too much to watch.

Yet, I didn't still bother because it was what I needed, my client requested for something that is contrasting, then I asked the seller for the price and we agreed on a good rate, we transact and I gave her the money for the goods.

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Therefore, I left to another place because I wanted to buy hanger hooks and then I saw it at a place just opposite of where I bought the contrasting colour curtains, I wanted a curtains hanger that's constrasting also, so that it will match with the curtains I bought, I took the one with contrasts also, there in the shop, it was immediately I proposed what I want, that the other girl pull them out from where they was, it was on a sachet bag and I took four as it was the numbers I needed to buy.

On there, what I forget to buy was an hammer, that I could used to dig a hole on the wall, so it was a struggling matter for me when I wanted to decorate the constrasting colour curtains on the house, already it was what the owner of the house demands for.

So, I went out once again and I get the hammer because I wanted to get the job done that day, then on my way coming back, I met the rain, I was already trekking as it was quite close to where I went to, so because of the rain, i get into a shop to get an umbrella, it was a constasting colours umbrella that I saw and i get one, I moved on to the work ground and I continue my duty, I was through with it and everything in the room was looking so sharp.

The owner of the house was satisfied with my offer and especially the colours of the curtains because it was the contrasting colour's he was looking for.