ls it normal to used animals in doing lab test

in Hive Learners2 months ago

lmmediately i saw this idea of discussion, it makes me to realized that, they are things we do not know, what is exactly the best way that it need to be done, because in either way we decide it, we find out that, it will be favorable at one end and on the other hand, it will also be affected.

But as far as life's is concern, we can not leave things to go scattered without taking a stand, that we will then follow up for things to get more better.

Although it is understand that the animals do not deserve the treatment they received, yet lf things are not play this way, they might be a bigger problem and also human life's might be put at risk, so the test needs to go on so that to better put things in places, as the human will continue to think of the best way to get thing's done.

lt seems like a kind of game where we are not giving a winning position, no matter how we played so hard to keep things in better positions, but at the end, lt does not work and we just have to keep playing it.

Thereafter, i still understand something that, as times goes on, there will be others ways to handle things and availability will be made in places for replacement of the rats and other animals used in doing those tests in the laboratory.

l am saying this because I understand that things change in life, although nobody knows exactly what's going to be used ln that place, and lt's not going to not affect the rat and humans, yet, I am very sure that there will be another way out to get things done and lt will still be functioning, and nobody have to feels so bad about if the animal ecosystem are being destroy little by little everyday.

Because as long as i know, no human being want to wipe out those animal ecosystem, because they still matters as living things.

Maybe, this is why we find those rats always scaring away so fast when once they see human, could lt be they are supposed to be pet like those others animal.

l hardly touch those rats those days in the school laboratory, but was lt an easy thing to escape. lt was never an easy thing, because you will need to, and more than once, before you leave the lab, you will have to look at it also, so that to get the lesson very well.

Speaking of solution to this, i will say that, those animal should be kept to reproduce in masses, so that new one's are not capture in our surrounding anymore and used, lf not, all the rats might be used and none will be left. At some point, I was not thinking about the things those animal were going through, but after I see the topic l began to felt it so hard.

lmage source


Yes that's truth. I feel for animals at times