What attracts you to a business?

in GEMSlast year (edited)

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The quietness I enjoy in music is overrating, I do not like noise a bit, I love absolutely serenity, especially, if I am listening to a song.

Once I was in a store and it was crowded with so many people who were there to buy an items too, and there was this song by Drake that was playing on the shop radio, the song was God's plan, and I enjoy Drake songs a lot, he is among the American singers which songs I like.

The way I view it was that, a lot people right there, didn't pay attention to the song, all their focused was for them to buy what they came for and leave as fast as they could, and the same goes for me, it was to buy orange juice that took me to the shop, but when I hear the Drake song, I was more energized, there is this thing that music does to me, and it would make me to feel so good about myself.

I became happy and when I picked the orange juice I want from the glass shelf, I keep nodding my head, a lot of people that saw me thought I was winning a Jack pot of game or something, but neither of those things was the case, rather, I was enjoying the energetic melodies and lyrics from Drake's song.

I guessed it was from the way I do with the music that makes some people who didn't pay attention to the song to began to reason it, because Gods plan is sure in our life, and when it is the time GOD said we were going to be elevate in our businesses or whatsoever occupations we are into, so is it going to be.

Immediately, I arrived at my place, what I did was to play the song on my MP3 radio player and it was giving me the energy I needed as at that time, hence, I realized that the superstore has a good music analyst, so I never buy from another place anymore, I make that shop my number one store where I buy groceries.

Customers respond in so many ways to what people sell, a customer like me, responds so quick to your business when you have a good music that attract my attention.