The teaching of God is the cultivation of wisdom

in GEMSlast year

Going to church and listening to the gospel is a thing that truly impacts wisdom, I remember that when I was in primary school, we used to have a subject that we called, Religious knowledge, the subject was all about the teaching of Christ, his disciples and all other things that took place in the bible.

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I used to pay a very good attention to the subject and unlike others subjects like English language, I was doing the way I like, because I know, in the exams, the teacher wouldn't missed to add, singular and plural forms of words, past and present tense of words and so on, so, I was always bold enough to even make a drawing while in the class as the teaching was going on.

But if the English teacher could caught me making drawing, he will reports me to another teacher and that teacher would give me my own lashes of canes for making drawing while teaching was going on in the class.

Thereafter, when it comes to the Religious knowledge as a subject, it was the more I pay attention to the teaching, I would need to listened more so that I can get the full understanding of the teaching.

We were taught about the works of God in the subject and how he wants his children to lived and obey his commandants.

Anyone who pay attentive attention to the teaching of the lord would be endowed with wisdom, because, it is in the teaching that he/she would be told how everything started on earth and what and what we would see as time's goes on, therefore, most of those things are already manifesting.

The teaching of the Lord will direct your path at all times, it would give you the awesome mind and enable you to keep peace with whatsoever you find yourself into, rather than believing in taking revenge.

Some people don't take it kindly, for instance, if someone offend them, they would want to have their own revenge on the people and that itself would even brings more problem, but with the teaching of Christ, people are taught to let things go, and to embrace peace at any point of their life.

My dear friends, I am sending my happy Sunday wishes.

 last year Reveal Comment

Thanks for coming through dear friend.

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