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RE: 🌟 Final Post before BuzzParty 2024 (Very Important Informations) 🌟

in BuzzParty Meet Hive!11 months ago

I'll be joining possibly at around 10.30 ish coming from the airport.
I hope I'll stay awake after a very early start haha

Just checking, the ferry etc is all paid for? I don't normally have cash on me and will be off after the speeches to see my family so won't need any for the dinner.

I don't know why I'm typing this in English, habit.. lol


Yes the majority of the event is sponsored by @valueplan :)

If you check "timetable" / "zeitplan" on there are icons next to the timetable items. They mean that these things are sponsored.

The cash info thing is just for the dinner because only the main dish is sponsored. Same goes for the closing dinner on Sunday but they did not tell us to take cash with us :)

Just let us know via telegram / discord when you are near the Elphi so we can tell you where we are :) Can't wait to meet you!

Great, thanks for the info!
I've joined in discord, but I think I was already in there, seems a general chat for meet-ups? We had one last year with SteveC.
Anyway, I'm looking forward too! 😃

Sorry, aber wo ist "the venue" nochmal? 😄
Auf die Karte da möchte ich mich lieber nicht verlassen..
Eine Adresse wäre schön.
Danke schön