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RE: Praise and worship music week45 (home sweet home by Sam feldt)"cover"

in Sound Musiclast month (edited)

Nos traes una canción de una letra muy significativa y una melodía y un ritmo muy buenos. Nada fácil interpretar a capella, cuando no nos apoyamos en un instrumento resulta muy dificil mantener la afinación, sin embargo lo has hecho. Felicitaciones. Bendiciones. Te deseo éxito.

You bring us a song with very meaningful lyrics and a very good melody and rhythm. It is not easy to interpret a cappella, when we do not rely on an instrument it is very difficult to maintain tuning, however you have done it. Congratulations. Blessings. I wish you success.


Wow @sayury is good to hear from you again, your comments is always a guide to me too thank 🙏 for everything i really appreciate