LA VOZ CANTANTE Semana 35 : Tom Petty - American Girl (Song Cover by) @jmis101 [ENG/ESP]

in PukuMundo2 years ago

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Hello everyone.
Welcome to singing voice week 35!!

For this week I will be singing a song by Tom Petty And the heartbreakers - American Girl.

I see this song as a song to anyone out there that thinks, running away is a solution to a problem.
Yes, the world is a big place but it revolves.
And this funny thing called conscience will hunt you forever, when you do something bad and decide to run away instead of facing it.

Little to the song very well, I am sure you will be able to grab one or two things.

Thank you for watching.
Hope you enjoy.

We have been having lots of rain lately, so I apologize for the dark background of this video.
The sky wasn't clear.

Tom Petty And the heartbreakers - American Girl : Lyrics

Well, she was an American girl
Raised on promises
She couldn't help thinkin' that there
Was a little more to life somewhere else
After all, it was a great big world
With lots of places to run to
And if she had to die tryin'
She had one little promise she was gonna keep

Oh yeah, all right
Take it easy, baby
Make it last all night (Make it last all night)
She was an American girl

Well, it was kind of cold that night
She stood alone on her balcony (Ooh)
Yeah, she could hear the cars roll by
Out on 441 like waves crashin' on the beach
And for one desperate moment there
He crept back in her memory
God, it's so painful when something that is so close
Is still so far out of reach

Oh yeah, all right
Take it easy, baby
Make it last all night (Make it last all night)
She was an American girl (Ooh)

Lyrics Source


Hola a todos.
¡¡Bienvenidos a la semana de la voz cantante 35!!

Para esta semana voy a cantar una canción de Tom Petty And the heartbreakers - American Girl.

Veo esta canción como una canción para cualquier persona por ahí que piensa, huyendo es una solución a un problema.
Sí, el mundo es un lugar grande, pero gira.
Y esa cosa graciosa llamada conciencia te perseguirá siempre, cuando hagas algo malo y decidas huir en lugar de enfrentarte a ello.

Un poco a la canción muy bien, estoy seguro de que usted será capaz de agarrar una o dos cosas.

Gracias por mirar.
Espero que lo disfrutéis.

Hemos tenido mucha lluvia últimamente, así que me disculpo por el fondo oscuro de este vídeo.
El cielo no estaba claro.

Tom Petty And the heartbreakers - American Girl : Lyrics

Bueno, ella era una chica americana
Criada con promesas
No pudo evitar pensar que había
Que había algo más en la vida en otro lugar
Después de todo, era un gran mundo
Con muchos lugares a los que huir
Y si tenía que morir en el intento
Tenía una pequeña promesa que iba a mantener

Oh sí, de acuerdo
Take it easy, baby
Haz que dure toda la noche (Haz que dure toda la noche)
She was an American girl

Bueno, hacía un poco de frío esa noche
Ella estaba sola en su balcón (Ooh)
Yeah, she could hear the cars roll by
En la 441 como las olas que se estrellan en la playa
Y por un momento desesperado
Se arrastró de nuevo en su memoria
Dios, es tan doloroso cuando algo que está tan cerca
Está todavía tan lejos de su alcance

Oh sí, está bien
Tómalo con calma, nena
Haz que dure toda la noche (Haz que dure toda la noche)
Ella era una chica americana (Ooh)

Fuente de la letra

▶️ 3Speak


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 126 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Very talented voice and amazing song
Woow work! Lovely song ^^
I like a Lot

Thank you very much.
I am glad you like it.
Glad I was able to make an entry for this week.
Do have a best day.

Yea and You do it amazing!

Thank you very much.
Blessings 😊


Nice one dear...... Bien trabajo

Thank you very much dear.

Hmm amazing Dear.

Thank you very much dear.

You're welcome dear


Yeah. Smiles 🥰🥰

You're welcome

My dear friend with her amazing voice... You do well again on this, you're Rocking the Rock 👍

Kudos for a job well done.

I love the "you're rocking the rock" e sweet me 🥰🥰🥰🥰😂😂
Thank you very much dear.

Your entries are amazing and your talent is great friend thank you so much for your participation and for bringing this song 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

Thank you very much.
I am glad you like them.
Do enjoy your weekend.

What a good vocal range, do not stop delighting us... a hug

Thank you very much dear.
I really appreciate this.

Yay! 🤗
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