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RE: Vibes Web 3 Music Comeptition Week 11 || A Cover of "Hey Jude" by Beatles [Eng/Esp]

in Vibes10 months ago

Saludos estimado amigo
@jesus-son , me trasladaste al pasado con esta canción de este extraordinario grupo, mi esposo lo adoraba. Extraordinaria interpretación amigo . Felicidades 🤗👏👏💙💚💕

Greetings dear friend
@jesus-son, you took me back in time with this song by this extraordinary group, my husband adored it. Extraordinary interpretation my friend. Congratulations 🤗👏👏💙💚💕


Hello ma @nellynohemi it's been ages now since I saw you around here, I am glad to see you around today
This song is really an interesting one and I am most glad that you loved it