My name is Hyelda Deborah.
I Was Onboarded by @starstrings01.
About the song “ someone you loved” by Lewis capaldi.
Ultimately the song is about reflection and loss. The song explains a daydream type of remembrance,This is a song a lot of people can relate to as we sometimes take people for granted without realizing it and then eventually it becomes too late to do anything about it.
When the relationship ends we are left with nothing and begin to feel empty and it’s around that time that we start to dwell on all of the things we will actually miss about that person.
This song is about investing all of your time and energy into a person and how hard it is when things don’t work out the way you wanted them too.
The inspiration behind this song: the theme of the week is “pain”
And I can relate to that.
When I first heard the song I remembered my mum and my late sister and them going further to search about the song I figured out that Lewis sang the song because of his grandmother who is dead .
The song explains that feeling when you start getting to know someone and things have been going on smoothly and then they just leave or die , the pain that come with realizing it is just unexplainable
Someone you loved inspired me because you just get to know that people have to come and go , people are born and people die too
It’s just left to you to know how to handle that pain, to heal and pick yourself up and move on.

I’m not just happy but I’m Also excited to be part of this competition.
Thank you for having me here.