Merry Christmas

in Ecency Support6 months ago

The neighborhood is made up of many faces.
Everyday the faces keep becoming many.
More than one languages is spoken.
It might be a great time for me to learned from these people.

There are people staying in another country's and states.
Coming back home for Christmas.
Because they need to celebrate with their family in one place.
Merry Christmas to them.
I Wish all of them.

Image source

I love the faces I see.
I wish it could be like this each and everyday.
But it can't be that way.
Considering the peoples businesses abroad.
I see why people go places.
It is for business and otherwise.

Fireworks are all over the air.
They shoot it in the neighborhood each night and day.
I see the celebration has begun.
I saw my brother outside trying to catch each ot the fireworks particles.

I love to see him play like a little boy.
He was not seeing me looking at him.
He saw me and thought I was sad.
but I was not sad of anything.
but watching him play with those fireworks particles was the admirable feelings I love to watched.

I went close and I say to him, "Merry Christmas my admirable brother".

He replied with an admirable voice. "Merry Christmas to you my brother". Chuckles and smile's.


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