Man exploration

in Writing Clublast year

The feelings is to keep moving
relax none but in a steady movement
grace the art and the work
knows the start and the end
be the person that you want to be
and draw in the way you can easily feel

be forever happy and sound's best
speak magically with the trumpet
To understand and never to underestimated
speak like a king because your voice matters
knows you are your original true self
and everything inside of you has no end

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Be the goalkeeper who saved the goal
look out for your brothers and their goal
be a communism
always in the spirit of community
speak of truth and hold onto it
See's possibilities and all it can be
no jealous but admirations
with love in the family and responsiveness

rule over the negativity
and proven boldly to all the positivity
aligned with happiness
admirations with togetherness
Keep a lighting heart and continue in a lighting path
speak negativity none and continue to be prosperous

Keep a kind heart and a close eyes
To the things of happiness
become the winner you see in yourself
you can do it just believed
Come outside bright and new
made it in beauty and gold