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RE: Music Song Challenge Phase II || An Original My help Comes from the lord @jesus-son[Eng/Esp]

in Music Zone10 months ago

Estimado amigo @jesus-son
1.- Gracias por compartir tu proceso para crear la canción - que es diferente en cada músico -. Quería saber
2.- ¿Cómo vas con tus clases de castellano?
3.- Nos regalas una pieza estupenda que nos anticipas ya en la introducción con una interesante base rítmica, enriquecida melodicamente con una interesante combinación de acordes. Tocas un tema muy importante como es la ayuda de Dios en nuestras vidas "Si nos entregamos a Él", tema complementado en las palabras de tu post, la bella melodía y tu bella voz hacen el resto del trabajo para ofrecernos un resultado impecable. Gracias por compartir. Éxito en el concurso. Bendiciones.

Dear friend @jesus-son
1.- Thank you for sharing your process for creating the song - which is different for each musician

  1. -. I wanted to know
    How are you doing with your Spanish classes?

3.- You give us a wonderful piece that you already anticipate in the introduction with an interesting rhythmic base, melodically enriched with an interesting too combination of chords. You touch on a very important topic such as God's help in our lives "If we give ourselves to Him", a topic complemented in the words of your post, the beautiful melody and your beautiful voice do the rest of the work to offer us an impeccable result. Thanks for sharing. Success in the contest. Blessings.


I am really struggling with Spanish, but now I do better with Italian because I am learning both.

Thanks so much for always coming around and supporting me. God bless you

Ah, I'm glad, @jesus-son, both
languages ​​are similar in many ways. In others the differences are funny. For example, "butter" in Spanish is "mantequilla", while in Italian it is "burro" and it turns out that in Spanish "burro" is donkey.
To say in Italian "I eat bread with butter" is "io mangio il pane con il burro" that sounds like "I eat bread with donkey" in Spanish.😂😁😅😗

Haha very funny indeed, however, the Italian language is quite fascinating eventhough ita difficult for me. Do you speak Italian?

Hola, @jesus-son. Habló un poquito el italiano.... Lo entiendo un poco más. Siendo yo muchacha estuve estudiando interna en una institución donde nos daban clases de italiano y los sábados no nos permitían hablar en castellano sino sólo en italiano. Algo me quedó de esa época. Es un idioma de sonido muy bonito, muy suave. Me contenta que estés estudiando ambos idiomas.

Hello, @jesus-son. I spoke a little Italian... I understand it a little more. When I was a girl, I was studying as a boarder in an institution where they gave us Italian classes and on Saturdays they did not allow us to speak in Spanish but only in Italian. Something stayed with me from that time. It is a very beautiful sounding language, very soft. I'm glad that you are studying both languages.

Oh, that's beautiful. I actually love to speak different languages.