Hive Music Festival Week 74 Round 2 || A Cover of Together as One by Lucky Dube [Eng/Esp]

in Music Zonelast year

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Hello friends of hive Music Festival, I am @jesus-son and I welcome you to my blog on this occasion of the 74th week round 2 of the community weekly challenge. I share with you here a song that speaks to my heart and hopefully to many hearts too as it concerns our lives as people who should actually live as one. I hope you find it interesting to listen to, thanks.

Lately I have tried to diversify my musical desires and so listen to more genres of music aside the gospel songs. I am pleased to come across the songs of the famous regae master Lucky Dube. Meen! His songs are inspirational and eventhough not to be classified as gospel music but full of values and morals for a better human existence.

The first time I listened to His song on "One people different colors" I was wowed, I got attracted to another song of His which I share here. It is titled "Together as one". Basically it's a similar message with the song "One people different colors". The value which he preaches through these songs are very basic for an authentic human existence.


We need to be one as persons without consideration of race or color. Those things like race, color or tribes are trivial things which do not define the person. What defines us is our image as people of one origin and who should live in a way that accord to one another the respect that each person deserves.

In the song "together as one" Dube makes specific reference to animals like cat and dog having forgiven each other but we humans with higher senses have not. We underatnd that this was used as only a figurative expression to pass across the intended message. It's actually pathetic how many of us live despising others because they are black or yellow or white.

What is important is that the person before you is a living being composed of parts just like you and that is all. The colour or race is nothing at all. I hope with this someone's mindset can be changed for the better. Thus I present you this with Love and the passion to fight for unity of mankind. Thanks for coming around.



Hola amigos del Hive Music Festival, soy @jesus-son y les doy la bienvenida a mi blog en esta ocasión de la ronda 2 de la semana 74 del desafío semanal de la comunidad.
Comparto con ustedes aquí una canción que le habla a mi corazón y espero que a muchos corazones también, ya que se refiere a nuestras vidas como personas que realmente deberían vivir como una sola.
Espero que te resulte interesante escucharlo, gracias.

Últimamente he tratado de diversificar mis deseos musicales y así escuchar más géneros musicales aparte de las canciones gospel.
Me complace encontrarme con las canciones del famoso maestro de regae Lucky Dube.
sus canciones son inspiradoras y, aunque no deben clasificarse como música gospel, están llenas de valores y moralejas para una mejor existencia humana.

La primera vez que escuché su canción en One People Different Colors quedé cautivado, me atrajo otra canción suya que comparto aquí.
se titula juntos como uno.
Básicamente es un mensaje similar al de la canción One People Different Colors.
Los valores que predica a través de estas canciones son muy básicos para una auténtica existencia humana.

Necesitamos ser uno como personas sin consideración de raza o color.
cosas como raza, color o tribus son cosas triviales que no definen a la persona.
lo que nos define es nuestra imagen de personas de un mismo origen y que debemos vivir de manera que nos brindemos el respeto que cada persona merece.


En la canción Together As One, Dube hace referencia específica a que animales como el gato y el perro se perdonan entre sí, pero nosotros, los humanos con sentidos superiores, no.
Entendemos que esto se utilizó sólo como una expresión figurada para transmitir el mensaje deseado.
En realidad es patético cuántos de nosotros vivimos despreciando a los demás porque son negros, amarillos o blancos.

lo importante es que la persona que tienes delante sea un ser vivo compuesto de partes iguales a ti y eso es todo.
el color o la raza no es nada en absoluto.
Espero que con esto la mentalidad de alguien pueda cambiar para mejor.
Por eso les presento esto con amor y pasión por luchar por la unidad de la humanidad.
gracias por venir.

▶️ 3Speak


Great theme you did a fresher version and I liked that. You are right we are all the same and God loves us all equally. Best regards Jesus. 💫

Thanks so much dear friend, I am glad you liked it
And I feel very encouraged by those words

Gracias por compartir tu presentación en el Hive Music Festival. Tu publicación fue revisada por nosotros y recibió un voto positivo de la comunidad de Music Zone en Hive. ¡Únete a nosotros en nuestro servidor Discord!

Thank you for sharing your performance at the Hive Music Festival. Your post was reviewed by us and received an upvote from the Music Zone community on Hive. Join us on our server Discord!


Thanks so much my people
I am grateful

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Thanks so much family
One Love!

Greetings my friend, that was some lovely reggae playing and singing! very nice brother congratulations. I invite you to participate on the Music Zone new initiative "Jamming Zone" you can participate doing an improvisation with your keyboard or any other instrument you prefer, blessings !!

Thanks for your presence bro
Yea I have seen that, I will do something in that regard, thanks for the invite

One of the things I enjoy listening to you is your great passion for singing, it's very lovely.
How great that you dared to step out of your comfort zone a little bit. 👏

those words mean alot to me and i appreciate you for them
i am glad i stepped out of my world, hehe