This is why i so much love the rural area, it is surrounded by many green plants, and watching their leaf's altogether, a person will see how beautiful they are.
I walked passed the insect, and it was like the praying mantis was calling me, i wanted to touch it with my hand, but it carry up it face. It has a very good look.
At first, i thought she was with another insect, and then, I look again, and I realized that there was no other insect around the place.
she was all alone, and enjoying the ambiance of the greens, insect too love green's, because that seems to be one of those places we see them.
The deal is, I as well enjoy taking photos of this praying mantis, because it pose for me, and that too, help me to nailed many beautiful shots.
At this point, she was doing as if it wants to moved from where it was, and I am sure it was shy of me, when it sees the camera of the phone drawing close to her, so what I did was to tell her not to be shy, that I will not do her any harm.
With that statement i have made, it makes her to come back to that favorite spot she was.
I do not know which of the insects actually messed up her dwelling place like that, because I know she did not do it herself.
Anyway, that does not take away the beauty of her dwelling place, she pose nice style in the photos, and it seems she is a nice actress.
It was a good moment I had with her, although it occur as if the rain wanted to fall, but it did not, I will be checking on the praying mantis, and if possible, give her some things she likes.
I like most of the photos I captured the insect, and I can not exactly tell my favourite among them, but i as well did some editing, so that they come out in the best style, just as the cute praying mantis.
I hope my friends love the photos I captured, tell me how you feel about it, good afternoon beautiful people.
Imagess are mine.