A time machine to restore peace and harmony

in ThoughtfulDailyPost6 months ago

If I built a time machine, I will use it for many purposes, but firstly, I will make sure that I used it to stop disagreements.

It is not a doubting thing anymore that we see country's fighting. Most of the times, as a person, I used to look into each of these situations and I will asked myself, "why?.

Would it not be okay, if we lived without fight?, even if people disagree, should it be such that leads to war?, because, as long as I know, war is the worst form of disagreement, once it has gotten to that stage, that is to say that, it has gotten to the final stage.

For the past 10 years or so, the rate of conflicts is just too much in the world, and then what happened to peace and harmony, does it mean people have forgotten about it?, what I understand is, we should always be our brothers keeper, rather than hurting them, talking of myself, i am too emotional, and there are things I can't stand, and example is, if a person is not living comfortable.

Most of the times, on my phone, I do not want to see chrome browser notifications about wars or conflicts, the reason is, I can't stand it, I tends to skip it these days, and that's because, I have realized that, if I do not engage with such activities, a different kind of news would be coming as notifications, and that is exactly what I want.

I need to see notifications about love, life improvements, celebrations among family's, or friends and socio-cultural activities among nations.

So, after a lot of thoughts I had some days ago, I came to think about it that, there are much needs for us to pray each day, and be asking for the mercy of the lord, to help us and set in peace and harmony in the minds of men, so that we don't disagree much, but mostly, we let peace be the time keeper of our deepest heart.

Thinking about the global economy trend, prices of things are upward almost everyday, then how easy is it for all those people who left their homes, when they have taken times to plants a lot of vegetables in their gardens, water them and they grow, then because of war, all of those things will be left behind.

It can be very uncomfortable to leave the comfort our homes, it is good when it was planned for, and we want to spent sometimes outside, and later, we make it back home.

Something to take note is that, we should not be fighting ourself, no matter what we are disagreeing at, there is a fact about us, which can never be change, and the fact is, we are all humans, therefore, our main purpose should be looking out for our brothers and sisters, being there for them, and doing things possible, to see that superb smiles on their faces.

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Cordial greetings @repayme4568
You present us with a sharing of heartfelt reflections that go beyond the personal, to take us in your dissertation to the vicissitudes of the past world and its aftermath in our present. In spite of the sadness and despair that may invade us, we have time from today to contribute with our efforts to the understanding of a better world where we all have a place and space, defending justice wherever we are with our actions. In this way, we will release trails that will permeate our present, towards a possible future in the universal concert of education for life, where violence is destroyed and undermined and darkness disappears to give way to clarity, a shining light of goodness in humanity, the sustenance of the culture of peace.
We thank you for your valuable contribution to our community, our gratitude. Health and wellness to you and yours !PIZZA

Cordiales saludos @repayme4568
Nos presentas un compartir de sentidas reflexiones que van más allá de lo personal, para conducirnos en tu disertación a las vicisitudes del mundo pasado y sus secuelas en nuestro presente. A pesar de la tristeza y la desesperanza que nos pueda invadir, estamos a tiempo desde el hoy para aportar con nuestro esfuerzo a la comprensión de un mundo mejor donde todos tengamos un lugar y un espacio, defendiendo la justicia donde quiera que estemos, con nuestras acciones. De esta manera, iremos soltando estelas que permearán nuestro presente, hacia un futuro posible en el concierto universal de la educación para la vida, donde la violencia sea destruida y socavada y la oscuridad desaparezca para dar paso a la claridad, a una luz resplandeciente de bondad en la humanidad, en el sustento de la cultura de paz.
Le agradecemos su valiosa contribución a nuestra comunidad, nuestra gratitud. Salud y bienestar para ti y los tuyos.

Thank you so much @marilour I appreciate 🥰🙏
Honestly, what the world needs is happiness at all corners, fruitfulness and love
Continue to have a good time.


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