in Hive Open Miclast year

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Hello Hive open mic family, welcome to week #204 of our weekly concert...I trust everyone is doing okay. Well for this week, the song I'd be performing is totally unrelated to the theme of the week "Asian Culture", as I don't know songs from that region. I really don't know much about Asian culture but I'm open to learning 😊. Congratulations to the spotlight artiste of the week @victoriakim21.

I'd be performing a song by Nigerian-French singer, songwriter, and recording artist Aṣa called Show me off. The song is from her last album "V" which was released in 2022.
This song is a beautiful song which expresses love in it's truest and purest form, when you're in love with someone, you're proud of them, you don't hide want the world to know that you've got your best part, You show them off🥰. This is the person I want to be with. Show me off; don’t be shy. Tell your friends, tell the world.” “Show Me off. It’s about not being afraid to openly express your feelings, the goal is forever with this want people to know that you've got someone, that kind of love keeps you accountable cause people know you two are together. Well I'm sure most people have their reasons for keeping their relationships private which is totally fine, but as for me I'm a sucker for love and when I'm with someone.... Everybody knows, it's not hard to know cause I show her off 😉. Love is a beautiful thing and everyone loves to feel special, loves to be appreciated, loves to be celebrated, loves to be shown off. I do hope you all are pleased with my cover of this amazing record, enjoy the rest of your week 🥂.




Hola familia de micrófono abierto de Hive, bienvenidos a la semana 204 de nuestro concierto semanal... Confío en que todos estén bien. Bueno, para esta semana, la canción que interpretaré no tiene ninguna relación con el tema de la semana "Cultura asiática", ya que no conozco canciones de esa región. Realmente no sé mucho sobre la cultura asiática pero estoy abierta a aprender 😊. Felicitaciones al artista destacado de la semana @ victoriakim21.

Estaría interpretando una canción del cantante, compositor y artista nigeriano-francés Aṣa llamada Show me off. La canción es de su último álbum "V" que fue lanzado en 2022.
Esta canción es una hermosa canción que expresa el amor en su forma más pura y verdadera, cuando estás enamorado de alguien, estás orgulloso de él, no lo escondes... quieres que el mundo sepa que Tienes tu mejor parte, preséntalas🥰. Esta es la persona con la que quiero estar. Exhibirme; no seas tímido. Cuéntaselo a tus amigos, cuéntaselo al mundo”. "Exhibirme. Se trata de no tener miedo de expresar abiertamente tus sentimientos, el objetivo es estar para siempre con esta persona... quieres que la gente sepa que tienes a alguien, ese tipo de amor te hace responsable porque la gente sabe que ustedes dos están juntos. Bueno, estoy seguro de que la mayoría de las personas tienen sus razones para mantener sus relaciones en privado, lo cual está totalmente bien, pero en cuanto a mí, soy un fanático del amor y cuando estoy con alguien... Todo el mundo lo sabe, no es difícil saberlo. porque la presumo 😉. El amor es algo hermoso y a todos les encanta sentirse especiales, les encanta ser apreciados, les encanta que los celebren, les encanta que los presuman. Espero que todos estén satisfechos con mi versión de este increíble disco, disfruten el resto de la semana 🥂.



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Hey brother! It's good to see you here, we miss you in week 200... Welcome back to your house, this is a great and fun song, it's going very well for you. Not all of us know Asian repertoire, but that is what is interesting about the Hive Open Mic and making that effort distinguishes us from the rest of the musical communities, keep it in mind for future publications 😉 We miss seeing you play the guitar, I send you a hug bro! ✌️

Thanks a lot bro @jesuslnrs... I appreciate your kind words and support always. I really do miss being here as well but I'm glad to be back... honestly I miss my guitar too, work hasn't afforded me the time to rehearse and perform with it 😥. Hopefully I could do something with it soonest.

You are great singer man, well done once again

Thanks a lot bro, I appreciate it much 🤍

 last year (edited)

I will show you off to Asa cause this is such a nice cover, your voice ehh e sweet like sugar.

Aww thank you so much for your kind words 🤗..made my day already, I'm a fan of your works as well. God bless you dear 🤍

You're welcome dear

Beautiful voice and cover you gat there.

Thank you so much, I'm grateful 😊

This is amazing my man ,you did excellently well sir ,love you vibe

Thanks a lot man... I'm grateful 🙏

Loved the rhythm, this song is very catchy. Your voice is impeccable as always. Happy to see this rendition.

Aww thank you so much my friend...glad to see you visited and enjoyed my entry, I appreciate your kind words and support always. Blessings 🤍

Nice presentation here @sleemfit.
You did a great work boss.
But I miss that your acoustic guitar performance

Thanks a lot bro...I appreciate it much, very soon I'd make a guitar cover. Work hasn't given me the chance to play guitar.

Alright, your welcome.
Can't wait to listen to your beautiful guitar performance