in Hive Open Mic11 months ago

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Hello Open mic community, I trust you all are doing good... it's week #214 of our weekly concert and as always I'm excited to share my entry 😎. I'd be performing a classic from the 80's by Jamaican singer, musician and songwriter "Bob Marley" called Redemption song in line to with this week's theme "Take me home" as selected by recent spotlight artiste @starstrings01.

Oppression was and still is a major problem around the world. People are being oppressed due to their skin colour, ethnicity, race and sexual orientation. Both the oppressor and the oppressed are humans and should first consider humanity before their belief.
No one deserves to die or suffer for having a particular skin colour or being from a different race. We are all one in the sight of God. The song talks about slavery and the impacts it has on the mind of the enslaved. Bob Marley was a descendant of slaves and had seen how they were treated so inhumanly and unjust. Home is a place of peace, joy, laughter, happiness and above all freedom. Let's make the world a better place by making everywhere habitable for all irrespective of their nationality or colour, we are one.

"Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery
None but ourselves can free our minds"

Marley encourages us to free our minds from the effects of slavery because he was well aware of the mental slavery that could still exist even when you are free. Oppression is not far-fetched, it's really a vice that needs to be stopped. People oppress just because they have the power to and believe it's the right thing to do. Most oppressors today just follow the trend, what they've been used to, what they see thereby it becomes a norm today.

Oppression could be withholding a necessity from someone just because you want them to suffer and work for you(selfish reasons). For instance oppressing someone with food, the oppressor knows food is a necessity to live but yet make it hard for Someone to get it....making them work so hard just to get food in minute quantities. As petty as this may sound, this is oppression at its peak and no one deserves to suffer just because of your personal beliefs/faith.This song though released in the year 1980 is still a really significant song till date, it's a really good song..evergreen!. I do hope you all enjoy 🎧 my cover of this classic and on a final note, Don't forget to be the change you seek in the world today 😉.




Hola comunidad de Open Mic, confío en que todos ustedes estén bien... es la semana #214 de nuestro concierto semanal y como siempre estoy emocionado de compartir mi entrada 😎. Estaría interpretando un clásico de los años 80 del cantante, músico y compositor jamaicano "Bob Marley" llamado Redemption song en línea con el tema de esta semana "Take me home" seleccionado por el reciente artista destacado @starstrings01.

La opresión fue y sigue siendo un problema importante en todo el mundo. Las personas están siendo oprimidas por su color de piel, origen étnico, raza y orientación sexual. Tanto el opresor como el oprimido son humanos y deben considerar primero la humanidad antes que sus creencias.
Nadie merece morir ni sufrir por tener un color de piel determinado o ser de otra raza. Todos somos uno ante los ojos de Dios. La canción habla sobre la esclavitud y los impactos que tiene en la mente de los esclavizados. Bob Marley era descendiente de esclavos y había visto cómo los trataban de manera tan inhumana e injusta. El hogar es un lugar de paz, alegría, risas, felicidad y sobre todo libertad. Hagamos del mundo un lugar mejor haciendo que todo sea habitable para todos, independientemente de su nacionalidad o color, somos uno.

"Emanciparse de la esclavitud mental
Nadie más que nosotros puede liberar nuestras mentes"

Marley nos anima a liberar nuestra mente de los efectos de la esclavitud porque era muy consciente de la esclavitud mental que aún puede existir incluso cuando eres libre. La opresión no es algo descabellado, es realmente un vicio que hay que detener. La gente oprime simplemente porque tiene el poder y cree que es lo correcto. La mayoría de los opresores de hoy simplemente siguen la tendencia, lo que están acostumbrados y lo que ven, hoy se convierte en una norma.

La opresión podría ser negarle una necesidad a alguien solo porque quieres que sufra y trabaje para ti (razones egoístas). Por ejemplo, al oprimir a alguien con comida, el opresor sabe que la comida es una necesidad para vivir, pero aun así le dificulta a alguien conseguirla... haciéndolo trabajar tan duro solo para conseguir comida en cantidades mínimas. Por muy mezquino que parezca, esto es opresión en su punto máximo y nadie merece sufrir solo por sus creencias/fe personales. Esta canción, aunque lanzada en el año 1980, sigue siendo una canción muy importante hasta la fecha, es una canción realmente buena. ..¡hojas perennes!. Espero que todos disfruten 🎧 mi versión de este clásico y, en una nota final, no olviden ser el cambio que buscan en el mundo de hoy 😉.



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Hey bro. I love your tone and you’ve got great depths too. Your riff orientation is so great. Your low notes are so magical. This is awesome. Keep on singing.

Oh wow, coming from you bro.... I appreciate it very much 🖤. I'm a big fan of yours, keep shining ✨.

Thank you bro. Keep shining too.

Omo, you are magical mehn, you keep busting my brain.

To think this is my first time listening to this song and I absolutely love it , weldone brother

😲 wow! hearing you say it's your first time listening to this record, Bob Marley na legend normally. I appreciate your kind words and support always bro, Blessings 🙏.

You have touched on a sensitive but very important topic, how nice that you did it because it is crazy that today we still see some kind of oppression in humanity, hopefully someday this can change.
Nice as always.

Thank you very much my friend, I'm glad you tuned in and connected. Hopefully the situation changes soonest. I appreciate your kind words🙏

You just nailed it boss.
You sing in a magical tune.
Nice cover @sleemfit.
Kudos boss

I appreciate it much, thank you 🙏.

your welcome boss

I see the relationship between your song and the theme for the week. Nice music.

Thank you so much 😊

You're most welcome

Wow bro, what a classic, this nsong is just magnificent, I cannot even describe how much I enjoyed your performance, its always a pleasure listening to you man. Greetings and blessings🤝👏🙌

Thanks a lot bro, I appreciate it much.... Blessings 🙏

Your presentation was amazing, I loved every bit of it.
Your voice fits this song perfectly well, and it sounds so soothing. I could listen to this all day.
You're doing amazing my guy👏

Aww thanks yaya 😘.

You're welcome 🤗