in Hive Open Mic5 months ago

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Hello everyone, welcome to Hive Open Mic week #211. How's everyone doing?, Well for this week I'm really excited about the theme for the week "Breathe" as chosen by recent spotlight artiste @mamab. It is really needed in times like this, where it seems like things ain't getting better or you ain't progressing, you feel stuck. Trust me I understand the feeling cause I've been there, done that... but I choose to keep faith alive and know that very soon Everything is gonna be alright, knowing this I choose to Breathe 😊. For this week I'd be performing a classic by Jamaican singer, musician and songwriter Bob Marley called "Three Little Birds". He is backed up by his band The Wailers.

I have chosen this song because of the positive vibes and message it transits and of course it's a song I love so much. The song is a simple and joyful tune that gives hope, peace and happiness to listeners. I understand life could be so cruel sometimes, but that's just the way it is.... sometimes we are happy, sometimes we are sad. It's just life and we would get through it triumphantly. Life is full of ups and downs, it's just the way life goes, at every phase just breathe everyone, Every little thing is gonna be alright, things would get better no matter the current situation, take a deep breath and be positive. Don't worry about nothing, don't stress about things you can't change presently for that would only hurt you and get you depressed. Free your mind, be happy, do what you love, be around those who make you happy.You got this 💪, just look at the birds and how free they are. They're not bothered about anything, they know they would be alright, what to eat, drink is not a problem for God makes it possible. Instead of worrying, Just be thankful for there's always something to be grateful for. Life itself is a gift, I'm sure we've heard the saying "once there's life, there's hope". My friends let's keep faith up and our hopes alive, we all are gonna be alright. I do hope you all enjoy 🎧 my cover of this classic by Reggae legend "Bob Marley" 🙌. Enjoy the rest of your week everyone and don't forget to breathe, Blessings 🙏.




Hola a todos, bienvenidos a la semana n.° 211 de Hive Open Mic. ¿Cómo están todos? Bueno, para esta semana estoy muy entusiasmada con el tema de la semana "Respira", elegido por la reciente artista destacada @mamab. Es realmente necesario en momentos como este, donde parece que las cosas no mejoran o que no estás progresando, te sientes estancado. Créeme, entiendo el sentimiento porque he estado allí, he hecho eso... pero elijo mantener viva la fe y sé que muy pronto todo estará bien, sabiendo esto, elijo Respirar 😊. Esta semana interpretaría un clásico del cantante, músico y compositor jamaicano Bob Marley llamado "Three Little Birds". Está respaldado por su banda The Wailers.

Elegí esta canción por las vibraciones positivas y el mensaje que transmite y, por supuesto, es una canción que amo mucho. La canción es una melodía sencilla y alegre que brinda esperanza, paz y felicidad a los oyentes. Entiendo que la vida puede ser tan cruel a veces, pero así es... a veces estamos felices, a veces estamos tristes. Es simplemente la vida y la superaríamos triunfalmente. La vida está llena de altibajos, así es como va la vida, en cada fase, todos respiren, todo estará bien, las cosas mejorarán sin importar la situación actual, respiren profundamente y sean positivos. No te preocupes por nada, no te estreses por cosas que no puedes cambiar actualmente porque eso sólo te haría daño y te deprimiría. Libera tu mente, sé feliz, haz lo que amas, esta cerca de aquellos que te hacen feliz. Tienes esto 💪, solo mira los pájaros y lo libres que son. No les preocupa nada, saben que estarán bien, qué comer, qué beber no es un problema porque Dios lo hace posible. En lugar de preocuparte, simplemente agradece porque siempre hay algo por lo que estar agradecido. La vida misma es un regalo, seguro que hemos escuchado el dicho “una vez que hay vida, hay esperanza”. Amigos míos, mantengamos la fe y las esperanzas vivas, todos estaremos bien. Espero que todos disfruten 🎧 mi versión de este clásico de la leyenda del Reggae "Bob Marley" 🙌. Disfruten todos el resto de su semana y no olviden respirar, Bendiciones 🙏.



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Hola muy bueno, te deseó éxitos

Muchas gracias amigo, agradezco tu comentario. Mucha suerte para ti también, Bendiciones.

Amazing as always. One of my favorite Bob Marley songs. I think I love them all. Your performance is wonderful, relaxing and happy. I congratulate you for this great musical work.

Thank you so much my friend...glad to hear my entry was relaxing and gave you a happy feeling. That's the whole point man. No need to worry, everything would be alright 😊 .

Exelente presentación amigo su voz es genial , fue un gusto escucharte

Muchas gracias mi querida amiga 🤗, me alegro que hayas disfrutado mi presentación... Bendiciones 🙏

The message you convey to us through this song is clear and beautiful. It fits perfectly with this week's theme, and I hope your days are filled with this good vibe that your messages transmit. You have always been an example for the community brother, don't stop doing good musical works, in fact I still miss seeing you playing the guitar. I wish you success, thanks for being here! ✌️

Thank you so much man, I appreciate the kind words and compliments... Blessings 🙏

Hello @sleemfit
It have really been a while
You voice is as amazing as always and enjoyed every bit of your performance. Well done bro

Thanks a lot bro, I appreciate it much 🙏

You are much welcome

I believe that things will be better
Nice cover dear

It would definitely be better.... thanks a lot dearie 🤗

You're welcome

A song with a positive message is perfect for this occasion, plus your voice was so beautiful and with so much energy that your version caught my attention.

Thanks a lot for your kind words my friend... I appreciate it much 🤍

Have always loved this song.
Coming from, it's fire.
Weldon dear

Thanks dearie, appreciate it much 🤗

Broooo!! What a performance, you always show an amazing energy, great job, this song is so cool and you match perfectly with your nice vibes. I really enjoyed it as always I listen to you. Greetings and blessings friend 👏👏👏🙌🙌

I appreciate you much know I'm a huge fan of your works as well, thanks for tuning in. One love 🖤

I really like Marley's songs, it was a great pleasure to listen to you my friend, this song was great. Greetings and blessings!

Thank you so much for tuning in, I appreciate your kind words... Blessings 🙏

Muy afinado y con buena actitud.

Muchas gracias por tus amables palabras y cumplidos, significa mucho para mí...Bendiciones 🙏.

No matter what year it is Bob Marley's songs are forever gold.

I know right 😊, thanks for tuning in.

Well-done boss
It was a really amazing entry I must say my boss.
It was a great one
The voice was a good one
It sounded really good and it was very much impressive doing a different style of music which is reggae.

I love the style of the music

It just has it way of carry one.

Thank you so much bro...I appreciate your kind words and compliments. Reggae is spiritual, there's really something about it... glad you tuned in, Blessings bro 🙏.

You're welcome
Yes, there's really something about it.

Amigo @slemfit muy buena tu presentación de esta semana cargada de mucho ritmo, me encantó tu escrito. Felicidades 🤗👏👏👏😊🎵🎵🎤💙💚💕

Friend @slemfit, your presentation this week is very good, full of a lot of rhythm, I loved your writing. Congratulations 🤗👏👏👏😊🎵🎵🎤💙💚💕

Muchas gracias señora, agradezco las amables palabras y los elogios 😊. Gracias por sintonizarnos siempre 🤗

Osh! I'm just viewing this video. Mmm don't worry as you sang, everything is gonna be alright 😊. Thank you for the beautiful presentation 👍.

It sure will 😊....thanks for sharing such an amazing theme, glad you tuned in.