in Hive Open Mic4 months ago

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Hello Open mic community, it's @Sleemfit here and I hope we all are doing great. In line with this week's theme Waves as selected by recent spotlight artiste @shemzee I'd be performing a song from the 80's which is Bobby McFerrin's "Don't worry, Be happy. All I can say to anyone going through some sort of crisis presently is " Don't Worry, Be Happy" if that's any consolation. Things would get better eventually and things would fall in place soonest, and I really do hope it encourages and inspires someone out there. Waves are very normal in life, it's a natural phenomenon that occurs. What really matters is how we go through them, it's bound to happen so we should always prepare our mind for it, not letting it define our happiness and joy. Don't stress yourself or worry about things you have no control over, just try to go through it with a positive attitude and also grow through it. Waves are a part of life, it would be easier for us if we just accept this fact. Don't let your current situation define your life, your mood and your relationship with people. Live life and stay positive, things would fall in place. Waves only take place for a while, it's not permanent as well as our problems 😊.

Four words I live by and highly recommend you do too. “Don’t Worry, Be Happy.”But the “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” motto doesn’t mean you don’t care about your life and fail to accomplish anything, it simply means you operate with a positive attitude and don’t worry about dumb stuff. The overall theme of this song is simple yet very powerful. The title sums it up by stating Don’t Worry, Be Happy but additional lyrics throughout the song highlights connecting ideas like how trouble in everyone’s life is guaranteed but by worrying it only becomes worse. I do hope you all enjoy 🎧 my cover of this classic, see you all next week 🥂.




Hola comunidad de Open Mic, soy @Sleemfit y espero que a todos nos vaya muy bien. De acuerdo con el tema de esta semana, Waves, seleccionado por el reciente artista destacado @shemzee, interpretaría una canción de los años 80 que es "Don't care, Be happy" de Bobby McFerrin. Todo lo que puedo decirle a cualquiera que esté pasando por algún tipo de crisis. Actualmente es "No te preocupes, sé feliz" si te sirve de consuelo. Las cosas mejorarán con el tiempo y todo se arreglará lo antes posible, y realmente espero que anime e inspire a alguien. Las olas son muy normales en la vida, es así. un fenómeno natural que ocurre. Lo que realmente importa es cómo los atravesamos, es probable que suceda por lo que siempre debemos preparar nuestra mente para ello, no dejando que ella defina nuestra felicidad y alegría. No te estreses ni te preocupes por las cosas que tienes. No hay control sobre ello, solo trata de atravesarlo con una actitud positiva y también crecer a través de ello. Las olas son parte de la vida, sería más fácil para nosotros si simplemente aceptáramos este hecho. No dejes que tu situación actual defina tu vida. , tu estado de ánimo y tu relación con la gente. Vive la vida y mantente positivo, todo encajaría. Las olas solo duran un tiempo, no son permanentes al igual que nuestros problemas 😊.

Cuatro palabras por las que vivo y recomiendo encarecidamente que tú también las hagas. “No te preocupes, sé feliz”. Pero el lema “No te preocupes, sé feliz” no significa que no te preocupes por tu vida y no consigas nada, simplemente significa que operas con una actitud positiva y No te preocupes por cosas tontas. El tema general de esta canción es simple pero muy poderoso. El título lo resume diciendo: No te preocupes, sé feliz, pero letras adicionales a lo largo de la canción resaltan ideas conectadas como que los problemas en la vida de todos están garantizados, pero que preocuparse solo empeora. Espero que todos disfruten 🎧 mi versión de este clásico, nos vemos la próxima semana 🥂.



▶️ 3Speak


este es un gran tema que llena de energía! lo hiciste genial

Muchas gracias por sintonizarnos y disfrutar. Agradezco el cumplido, Bendiciones 🙏.

How is everyone doing? I am doing fine...

It is this your glasses for me oh. I like your vibes. You sabi whistle oh. I don't know how you are doing it. see me trying to whistle like you did and I am running out of breath.

Lol thanks a lot bro...I appreciate the kind words, a big fan of your works as well 👏.

very good interpretation my friend, I liked the part where you are whistling

Thank you so much my friend, I appreciate the kind words... Blessings 🙏

This is really awesome, “don’t worry be happy” just what i needed, thanks for sharing this with us

Thank you so much for tuning in.... I appreciate the kind words 🤍.

Even when Nigeria does not make sense don't worry, be happy 😊. Thank you for the beautiful singing friend 👍.

Yes that's the spirit my friend....thanks for your kind words, I appreciate it much 😊.

adorable, fun and motivating interpretation, I love this song because of the good vibes it transmits and without a doubt, with your voice and interpretation you managed to connect with you. This was beautiful.

I appreciate the kind words and compliments Mirel 🤍. Thank you so much 🙏