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RE: Hive Open Mic Week 234 || Autumn Feeling || A Cover of "Wonderful Wonder" [Eng/Esp]

in Hive Open Mic6 months ago

Estimado amigo @jesus-son esta presentación estuvo increíble, la ejecución de los instrumentos fue espectacular e hizo que mi imaginacion volará, imaginándome un bosque y el viento soplando las hojas y ellas entrelazadas al compás de tu música . Hermoso en verdad.🥰👏👏👏💙❤️💕

Dear friend @jesus-son, this presentation was incredible, the performance of the instruments was spectacular and made my imagination fly, imagining a forest and the wind blowing the leaves and them intertwined to the beat of your music. Beautiful indeed. 👏👏👏💙❤️💕


Such elating words did nothing but left traces of great smiles on my cheeks.
I am pleased to have caused such imaginations . Thanks a lot ma