Hive Open Mic Week 226 || A Cover of "I Will Pray" @jesus-son [Eng/Esp]

in Hive Open Mic8 months ago

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Hello friends of the hive Open mic community, my name is @jesus-son. I welcome you all to my blog on this occasion of the week 226 of the community weekly events with the theme My Prayer. It's always a pleasure to share music with you all. I hope that you enjoy my interpretation.

I shall present a cover of a song that centers so much on the theme and it is titled I will pray by Ebuka Songs. The theme of prayer is one that is applicable to different spheres of life eventhough it has been monopolised in the religious use such that it seems to signify only a supplication to a divine.

According to the Spirit of the theme suggestion I shall deliberate on its religious implication and thus my video also centers on that. Prayer is seen as a deliberate communication between a human person and an object of worship which is the divine. In this sense, it implies to any religion of one's choice whether a Christian, Muslim, idol worshipper, Buddhist, etc.


An act of communication between one and that object of one's belief as a supreme being. Prayer is an essential part of any worship because it is the only means by which we can communicate with that being that we claim to worship.

The song I preaent here speaks of the necesity of a Christian to pray. First of all, we Christians believe that the devil is an enemy of the Christian worship because he feels the Christian way of life disrupts his own projects. Thus, he is out to hunt those believers who work in the way of God..

The only way to get out of the grip of the devil is through prayer. The Christian who prays is powerful because through that, God gives him the divine character and is counted as God's own and thus, beyond the grip of the devil.

This song I present emphasises on the decision to prayer because I don't want Satan or the devil to make mess of me. Using example of men like Peter, Paul, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and the likes in the Bible and even Jesus Himself who prayed, it is a more serious reason why I have to pray.

Dear friends, I encourage us to be men and women of prayer. People who dedicate ourselves to moments of conscious effort to communicate with God. I make this cover with joy and passion and I hope that you derive some meanings from it. Thank you so much


Hola amigos de la comunidad Hive Open mic, mi nombre es @jesus-son. Les doy la bienvenida a todos a mi blog en esta ocasión de la semana 226 de los eventos semanales de la comunidad con el tema Mi Oración. Siempre es un placer compartir música con todos vosotros. Espero que disfrutes de mi interpretación.


Presentaré una versión de una canción que se centra mucho en el tema y se titula Rezaré. El tema de la oración es aplicable a diferentes esferas de la vida, aunque ha sido monopolizado en el uso religioso de tal manera que parece significar sólo una súplica a un divino.

De acuerdo con el espíritu de la sugerencia del tema, deliberaré sobre su implicación religiosa y, por lo tanto, mi video también se centra en eso. La oración es vista como una comunicación deliberada entre una persona humana y un objeto de culto que es lo divino. En este sentido, implica cualquier religión de su elección, ya sea cristiana, musulmana, idólatra, budista, etc.

Un acto de comunicación entre uno y ese objeto de creencia como ser supremo. La oración es una parte esencial de cualquier adoración porque es el único medio por el cual podemos comunicarnos con ese ser que decimos adorar.

La canción que presento aquí habla de la necesidad que tiene un cristiano de orar. En primer lugar, los cristianos creemos que el diablo es enemigo del culto cristiano porque siente que el estilo de vida cristiano trastoca sus propios proyectos. Por lo tanto, sale a cazar a aquellos creyentes que trabajan en el camino de Dios.


La única manera de escapar de las garras del diablo es a través de la oración. El cristiano que ora es poderoso porque a través de eso, Dios le da el carácter divino y es contado como propio de Dios y por lo tanto, más allá de las garras del diablo.

Esta canción que presento enfatiza en la decisión de orar porque no quiero que Satanás o el diablo me arruinen. Usando el ejemplo de hombres como Pedro, Pablo, Jeremías, Ezequiel y otros similares en la Biblia e incluso el mismo Jesús que oró, es una razón más seria por la que tengo que orar.

Queridos amigos, os animo a ser hombres y mujeres de oración. Personas que nos dedicamos a momentos de esfuerzo consciente para comunicarnos con Dios. Hago esta portada con alegría y pasión y espero que extraigas algún significado de ella. Muchas gracias

▶️ 3Speak


Wonderful presentation from you boss, you nailed it

Wow my boss you are back again with your great entry keep the level

Thanks man

Thanks man

Correct man

wow my brother, look you are very great, this song you offered, I really enjoyed it, and you play the keyboard very well, I always like it and learn a lot from your work

Thanks a lot brother for the support. God bless you

Maravillosa interpretación
amigo @jesus-son , que bueno escucharte de nuevo. 🙏💛💜💞

Wonderful interpretation
friend @jesus-son, it's good to hear you again. 🙏💛💜💞

Thanks to you my friend, its been quite a while since I saw you around
I hope all is fine with you?

Saludos hermano. Eso sí que se escucho increíble! La verdad no la había escuchado antes, pero si que llena el alma!

Gran presentación hermano. Saludos y Bendiciones.

Muchas gracias hermano

Hey @jesus-son! My guy Your thoughts on prayer are really inspiring. I love how you emphasize its universal importance beyond just religious rituals, showing how it's a vital way to connect with the divine. Your cover of "I Will Pray" by Ebuka Songs beautifully drives this message home, reminding us of prayer's strength in facing life's challenges. Thanks for sharing your passion and encouraging us all to deepen our connection with spirituality through prayer!

My oga, I really appreciate this
Your contribution shows your quality of person as one who comprehen so well the life of the Spirit.
God bless man

How good it is to see you publish on the Hive Open Mic, I hope you come here more often brother. It means a lot to us that you participate in this edition where prayer is the protagonist, since you have always stood out in musical praise. I send you a sincere hug and my gratitude for your presence 🙏🏾

Hello boss, I am so sorry for being absent for a long while. I will do my best to resume the normal activities

I appreciate your support bro. God bless you

Eso suena genial bro, execelente tu participación de esta semana. Te deseo mucha suerte 🍀

Hey hermano
Muchas gracias

Lovely presentation boss❤️

Tanxhiu my baby

You're welcome 🤗

It's lovely. Cheers!!!


Wow I love your voice, this is awesome

Thanks dear

You are welcome

I will continue to pray...
Superb presentation.


Tanchiu nne

 7 months ago Reveal Comment