Hive Openmic Community. Week 201. Cover of "Wonderful Wonder" by @glowie.

in Hive Open Miclast year

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Happy new week everyone, my name is glowie. In regards to this week's theme "CLOUDS" I did a cover of a song by Nathaniel Bassey. A Nigerian singer who has sang so many powerful and inspirational songs .

The song title is "WONDERFUL WONDER" . this Song talks about the creations. What God has created in the world and more, including the clouds. Sometimes I do sir and wonder how God did it but it never in my place to really understand.

But all this creatures are just one of a kind. They're so amazing and beautiful. The song writer says ' Everywhere I go, I see you right there, in the beauty of nature you shine all around'. Just take a look into the things around you, are they not amazing and wonderfully made?. Most of this things serves as a source of medicine like herbs from the leaves. And lots more.

All this things inspired me to do a cover of this song as my entry in regards to the theme of the week.



Autumn, spring
Blue skies
And the seas
And the trees
Jesus, maker of them all

Autumn, spring
Blue skies
And the seas
And the trees
Jesus, maker of them all

Everywhere I go
I see You right there
In the beauty of nature
You shine all around
For You are everything
And everything is You
Precious Jesus
A wonderful wonder You are...

▶️ 3Speak


God is the creator of everything and even the theme is one of the things he created.

What a great God he is
Beautiful presentation ♥️

God is maker of everything. It makes everything beautiful.
Thanks for sharing

You're welcome 😊

Awwwwnnnnn. Hear the voice lasan🥰🥰🥰 even without the instrument you did so great. Just like the title of the song, you did wonders to the song 🥰💪💪

Abeg o
Thank you dear

Hermosa interpretación a capella amiga @glowie . Dios es el creador de ti tantas maravillas y a veces con el ajetreo diario no vemos todas las bellezas que nos ofrece hasta las diferentes nubes que es el tema de esta semana . Felicidades y éxitos 🤗🌹🥰👏👏👏🎤🎤💙💛💕

Beautiful a cappella interpretation friend @glowie. God is the creator of so many wonders and sometimes with the daily hustle and bustle we do not see all the beauties that he offers us, even the different clouds that are the topic of this week. Congratulations and success 🤗🌹 👏👏👏🎤🎤💙💛💕

Thanks ma

Hey, that was super cool, I dare say that you were inspired and that you felt so great that you conveyed it in the video, because your voice was also heard at its best, I congratulate you, dear friend, that was fantastic 🌹💖. I send you a warm hug and may your week be blessed 🙏❤️... You Rockkkk!!!! 👍😉🔥🎙️🎸🎶❤️🌟🥂💥💫💯

Thank you

Vaya, tu voz es muy cálida! 🙂