I love rainy time's but not when it is doing this

in The City of Neoxian27 days ago (edited)

I have been saying that I like rainy times, and also likes it when the weather is cold, but I do not mean when it rains up to the point of taking network away, since yesterday evening, towards 5:31 PM, the rain began to fall and it is still raining right now, I am not bother about putting on sweater, because I don't mind that at all, infact, I will not put on any clothes and the reason is because I like the weather.

Therefore, it is not all okay this time, because we do not have network in the surrounding and it is caused because of the too much rain, people who has lived here before me told me that, occasionally, when rain falls so much over here, they used to experienced network congestion, although it is not the case all the times.

I am happy because there is coverage now, and I can begin to go online, what I like so much about rain is, how it gives that cold moment to take something hot, and jumped on the foam to cover myself with blanket as many as I like.

But the worst part of it can be, maybe, I have something to buy outside and the rain isn't letting me to go outside, because of too much of it, but in the process that, I have the things I need in the house and network is free and as well as, there is light on my phone, wow, the excitement would be too much.

Just like it was in the early hours of today, as I didn't see a free network, it really make me to feel bad and, also not to enjoy the breakfast the way I could ate and enjoy it, because, I was looking at my phone each and everytime to check if I have network.

It was kind of stressing and I was not able to let it be either, because I needed the network to come.

In the rainy season we should mind the kind of shoes we wear out, because some shoes that are made with leather material are not good to wear frequently in this time, if water gets into it too much, the shoes would open and as well weak it.

Shoes that are made with rubber material are okay in this time, water do not penetrate rubber.

What do like about rainy season, is it raining at where you are, share with me...

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Yeah I guess we are the same, I love the cold weather too but absolutely not when I can't do stuff online

Thanks so much, continue to have a good time 🥰🙏