Its another start of a day to explore musically and do better than yesterday, Happy sunday to everyone in the community and i hope you all have a nice week ahead.
Bringing in my entry for week 153 in the community, i decidded to go with the trending gospel song which was just released of recent and i feel that should be my entry today, and what actually made me love that song is the fact that everyone do sing it around me and the very first day i heard the song i didnt know i will actually love it like i do today and i feel its because ive been listening to it everytime made me develop the love for it.
The title of the song which i brought in as my entry is "FAVOUR" by Lawrence Oyor who has been a great man in the ministry of music and ive been listening to his various songs lately and these made me love his style of singing, so calm and the lyrics of his songs are actually nice and very understandable even relatable, the song favour is just a very short lyrics which anyone who doesnt even know how to quickly get the lyrics of song would definitely get this one in no time.
I hope to listen more often to his song and i know the song has been a blessing to a lot of people and even as a motivation and also assurance that everything will fall in place in no time, Favour will surround me like a shield and will cover me from now on. See you next time again as you enjoy the video.
The link to the lyrics of the song
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