Hive Music Community || An Instrumental of "Casting Crown" [Eng/Esp]

in Music8 days ago

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Hello friends of the music Community, my name is @jesus-son and I welcome you all to my blog today on this occasion that I wish to share with you this jam of mine of the song by Nathaniel Bassey, my mentor when it comes to Nigerian Gospel music. It is titled "Casting Crown".

Talking about the song "casting crown", it is about singing praise to God. And most specifically praising God by casting crowns, that is, giving glory to God as the king of the universe. A praise of exaltation. Lifting God high.


When we talk about praising God, what does it mean to a lay man and to the religious man? Of course to the religious man, and most particularly to those who believe in the existence of the almighty and Supreme being, that is, God of heaven in the persons of the Father, Son and the Spirit. The praise of God is something that is usual and normal and infact obligated to be done.

To the atheist, it is a different thing, because it would mean praising what to him or her does not exist. Life is comprised of Opposites such that we always have people who believe and who don't and in fact it makes what is believed more authentic when questions are posed therefore suscitating justifications that strengthen the existing proofs.

To who believe, it must be emphasized every now and then, the importance of praising God. It is important, because we cannot have our being without Him who is the God of heaven and the earth.

To who does not believe, I encourage you to try to ponder about the mystery of your existence and see reasons to accept the fact of the existence of a being who is the origin of all and who sees to your well being.

The good thing about our God is that despite the fact that people don't believe and neither worship Him, He keeps all alive in Love. His love knows no boundaries and this is what we are called to imitate.

Dear friends, playing this song gave me a lot of peace within me. It's a lovely song with lots of meanings. I hope that you would love this and enjoy it. Thanks so much for coming around.


Hola amigos de la comunidad musical, mi nombre es @Jesus-Son y les doy la bienvenida a todos a mi blog hoy en esta ocasión que deseo compartir con ustedes este atasco de la canción de Nathaniel Bassey, mi mentor cuando se trata de música gospel nigeriana. Se titula "Casting Crown".

Hablando de la canción "Casting Crown", se trata de cantar alabanza a Dios. Y la mayoría de los alabando específicamente a Dios lanzando coronas, es decir, dando gloria a Dios como el rey del universo. Un elogio de exaltación. Levantando a Dios alto.

Cuando hablamos de alabar a Dios, ¿qué significa para un hombre laico y para el hombre religioso? Por supuesto, para el hombre religioso, y más particularmente a aquellos que creen en la existencia del ser todopoderoso y supremo, es decir, Dios del Cielo en las personas del Padre, el Hijo y el Espíritu. La alabanza de Dios es algo habitual y normal y de hecho obligado a hacerse.


Para el ateo, es algo diferente, porque significaría alabar lo que no existe. La vida se compone de opuestos de tal manera que siempre tenemos personas que creen y que no lo hacen, y, de hecho, hace que lo que se cree más auténtico cuando se plantean preguntas, por lo tanto, las justificaciones que fortalecen las pruebas existentes.

A quien cree, debe enfatizarse de vez en cuando, la importancia de alabar a Dios. Es importante, porque no podemos tener nuestro ser sin el que es el Dios del Cielo y la tierra.

A quién no cree, te animo a que intentes reflexionar sobre el misterio de tu existencia y ver razones para aceptar el hecho de la existencia de un ser que es el origen de todos y que ve a tu bienestar.

Lo bueno de nuestro Dios es que a pesar del hecho de que las personas no creen y ninguno de los dos lo adora, él mantiene todo el amor en el amor. Su amor no conoce límites y esto es lo que estamos llamados a imitar.

Queridos amigos, tocar esta canción me dio mucha paz dentro de mí. Es una canción encantadora con muchos significados. Espero que te guste esto y lo disfrutes. Muchas gracias por venir

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Nathaniel Bassey is an amazing artiste and this sing is specially lovely.
Nice jam of this song bro

U no lie at all, Bassey is an amazing artiste and I love his works a lot


Yea, I agree with you, Nathaniel Bassey is an incredible musician and with his trumpet, he blows people away.
Thanks for coming around my friend

This is worth great treasure on hive
The coordination, the consistency and the passion is for me a beauty
I respect bosss

See as I dey smile like mumu for here, hehe
Thanks man

This is what big boys do
I remember when this song was a hit
Your version of it is incredible

Me never reach big boy like una na lolz
Thanks boss

Amazing man, you are an incredible musician! God bless :)