Hive Jamming Session Week 51 || A Piano and Recorder Jam [Eng/Esp]

in Universo Jamming13 days ago

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Hello friends of the hive Jamming universe, my name is @jesus-son and I welcome you all to my blog on this occasion of the week 51 of the Jamming session. It's a beautiful thing to keep sharing my musical interpretations with you. I hope that you would love this.

For the past two weeks I have been trying new stuffs with my guitar and so have been bringing guitar jamz here. This week I had an inspiration that I feel that the flute is a perfect tool for the piece.

Therefore, I bring you all here a piano and recorder jam which is a fruit of my personal reflection and formulation.


The recorder which is a member of the woodwind instruments is a brilliant instrument for making some cool sounds. Many persons call it flute, hehe but I think that's wrong because flute is another instrument entirely which also has its amazing features.

In the year 2021, I dared to learn the flute which is one other instrument that is quite simple and not complicated. It's a cool instrument which produces very pleasant and kind of melancholic sounds.

I couldn't progress much because I had none of mine and couldn't hold on to the one I had for long as I had to leave the place I was and by implication also leaving the flute behind. I had planned to purchase mine later but not been able to realize that for now but maybe in the future I will.

I bring you a jam that is very simple but lovely. The recorder did a kind of solo sound while the piano accompanied with the chord melody. It was interesting doing this friends. I hope that you enjoy with me. Thanks for coming around. We hope to keep enjoying good stuffs together. God bless you.


Hola amigos del universo de Jamming Hive, mi nombre es @Jesus-Son y les doy la bienvenida a todos a mi blog sobre esta ocasión de la Semana 51 de la sesión de Jamming. Es algo hermoso seguir compartiendo mis interpretaciones musicales contigo. Espero que te guste esto.

Durante las últimas dos semanas he estado probando cosas nuevas con mi guitarra y, por lo tanto, he estado trayendo la guitarra Jamz aquí. Esta semana tuve la inspiración de que siento que la flauta es una herramienta perfecta para la pieza.

Por lo tanto, les traigo a todos aquí un piano y una mermelada de grabadora que es un fruto de mi reflexión y formulación personal.


La grabadora que es miembro de Woodwind Instruments es un instrumento brillante para hacer algunos sonidos geniales. Muchas personas lo llaman flauta, jeje, pero creo que eso está mal porque la flauta es otro instrumento por completo que también tiene sus características sorprendentes.

En el año 2021, me atreví a aprender la flauta, que es otro instrumento que es bastante simple y no complicado. Es un instrumento genial que produce sonidos muy agradables y melancólicos.

No pude progresar mucho porque no tenía nada de los míos y no podía aferrarme al que tuve durante el tiempo que tuve que dejar el lugar que estaba y por implicación también dejó la flauta. Había planeado comprar el mío más tarde, pero no pude darme cuenta de eso por ahora, pero tal vez en el futuro lo haré.

Te traigo una mermelada que es muy simple pero encantadora. La grabadora hizo una especie de sonido en solitario mientras el piano acompañaba con la melodía de acorde. Fue interesante hacer este amigo. Espero que disfrutes conmigo. Gracias por venir. Esperamos seguir disfrutando de cosas buenas juntos. Dios lo bendiga.

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Éxitos 📍


My mentor with amazing skills with amazing choice of song... Wish to be like you when I grow up

So u still be small pikin, hehe

Yes. Ooo😂😂

Haha, help me.ask am o, haha

Senior man, na small boys we

Make I no talk sha😂😂

I greet you my oga
The sound of the recorder was for me a delight.
Nice jam combining bass and lead on the piano. You too much baba
Weldone baba

See oga dey call boy oga, hehe
Thanks my guy for the nice words

See how I am smiling boss, I am just enjoying this sweet jam from you I am even asking myself how my oga take dey come up with something amazing like this.

You are super talented in music brother. Plenty respect to you.

This man, e b like say your whining school wey you go na grade 1, haha, I just dey smile like mumu for here, hehe
Thanks so much senior man, u too much

Welldone magic fingers, you Always make me entertained while watching your entry

Thanks so much baba
U too much

You are welcome bro

extraordinary choice of jemmings, I really enjoy it jesus you do very cool keep up the good work and don't get bored of your work

Your words mean a lot to me bro
Thanks so much

That's truly a musician buddy up there. It feels good listening to this as you enjoy playing your passion. My big applause to you @jesus-son.😇

Lovely to have you around dearest.
Thanks so much for those sweet words

Saludos hermano, cuando escucho tu música me transporto a algún lugar pacífico en contacto con la naturaleza, dónde puedo sentir la brisa y escuchar las aves cantando de fondo, es lo que me transmite tu improvisación, un sentimiento lleno de paz y armonía. Pude notar algo de dificultad al intentar las notas más agudas, ¡pero de eso se trata! de intentar cosas nuevas y poner a prueba nuestros límites ¡felicidades! y gracias por participar en Sesión Jamming semana 51

Greetings brother, when I listen to your music I am transported to some peaceful place in contact with nature, where I can feel the breeze and hear the birds singing in the background, that is what your improvisation transmits to me, a feeling full of peace and harmony. I could notice some difficulty when trying the highest notes, but that is what it is about! trying new things and testing our limits. Congratulations! and thanks for participating in Jamming Session week 51.

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