Hive Ope Mic Week 242 || A Cover of "Soul of my Savior " [Eng/Esp]

in Hive Open Mic19 days ago

Hello friends of the hive open mic community, my name is @jesus-son and I welcome you to my blog on this occasion of the hive open mic week 242 with the theme: the colour of my soul.

It's really very apt to discuss the topic of the soul as we get closer to the end of the year. Thus, a period to take a stock of the events of the year.

It is no news that most of us, at the beginning of the year made so many resolutions on how to better our lives in order to make for a more progressive living.

It is one thing to make the resolutions and it is another to keep it. But the most important thing is the fact of one knowing or recognizing the need for a resolution, thus, the need for an amendment of life. That is how a Saint is made. It begins fron the self awareness for a change and then efforts to change.

When we talk about changing and making our lives better, we are indirectly referring to our soul needing a transformation. The human person is a conglomeration of soul and body. The body will surely decay one day but the soul remains and that is what defines our person.

The soul is an essential part of man without which man cannot be said to be human. It is the soul that gives man the consciousness of the others around and therefore the need to act well towards them.

What is the colour of our soul? This is a crucial question which each one of us would have to give an answer especially as we draw to the close of the year. We need to ask ourselves, how much good have we acted like a being conscious of having a soul towards others?


Our souls should be a participation in the soul of our God who made us in His image and likeness. Thus, we are to share in His goodness and behave in the best possible way.

The song I present is titled "soul of my savior". It is a song that pleads for the soul of christ to sanctify one. One recognises his imperfection and filtiness and seeks help.

We all need to seek the help of christ to give our soul the appropriate colour. The colour of Christ's soul. I am glad to play my guitar and sing along and I hope I drove home the message to your hearts.

Thanks so mucbfor coming around


Hola amigos de la comunidad de hive open mic, mi nombre es @jesus-son y les doy la bienvenida a mi blog en esta ocasión de la semana 242 de hive open mic con el tema: el color de mi alma.

Es realmente muy apropiado discutir el tema del alma a medida que nos acercamos al final del año. Un período, pues, para hacer balance de los acontecimientos del año.
No es ninguna novedad que la mayoría de nosotros, a principios de año, hayamos tomado tantas resoluciones sobre cómo mejorar nuestras vidas para lograr una vida más progresista.

Una cosa es tomar las resoluciones y otra mantenerlas. Pero lo más importante es el hecho de saber o reconocer la necesidad de una resolución, por tanto, la necesidad de una enmienda de la vida. Así se hace un Santo. Comienza con la autoconciencia de un cambio y luego los esfuerzos por cambiar.

Cuando hablamos de cambiar y mejorar nuestra vida, indirectamente nos referimos a que nuestra alma necesita una transformación. La persona humana es un conglomerado de alma y cuerpo. El cuerpo seguramente algún día decaerá pero el alma permanece y eso es lo que define a nuestra persona.

El alma es una parte esencial del hombre sin la cual no se puede decir que sea humano. Es el alma la que da al hombre la conciencia de los demás y por tanto la necesidad de actuar bien con ellos.

¿Cuál es el color de nuestra alma? Esta es una pregunta crucial a la que cada uno de nosotros tendría que dar una respuesta, especialmente ahora que nos acercamos al final del año. Necesitamos preguntarnos ¿cuánto bien hemos actuado como ser consciente de tener alma hacia los demás?
Nuestras almas deben ser una participación del alma de nuestro Dios que nos hizo a su imagen y semejanza. Por lo tanto, debemos compartir Su bondad y comportarnos de la mejor manera posible.

La canción que les presento se titula "alma de mi salvador". Es un canto que pide que el alma de cristo lo santifique. Uno reconoce su imperfección e inmundicia y busca ayuda.

Todos necesitamos buscar la ayuda de Cristo para darle a nuestra alma el color apropiado. El color del alma de Cristo. Me alegra tocar mi guitarra y cantar y espero haber llevado el mensaje a sus corazones.

Muchas gracias por venir


Yes, how talented you are! Now you're playing the guitar,
I think it's an important reflection for all of us to have, to think about how we are feeding our soul.
Beautiful praise

It's really an important reaction to make
I am glad you appreciate my work dear friend. Thanks a lot

Boss I was shocked to see you holding the guitar, I needed to shine my eyes and I was patiently waiting to see the magic and behold here is the man with the magic fingers. You are super amazing and multitalented.

I really enjoyed your presentation bro. 🥂

So I don be shocker like dis o, haha
Na small thing wey I leanr I just play my guy, thanks so much for those swwt words, na just say u no be woman, I for don that u, haha

Beautiful song and rightly so, we all need Christ to give color to our soul, you interpret it very well. Have a great day.

Thanks so much dear friend.

Hello big boss @jesus-son, what a powerful reflection on the theme "The Color of My Soul"! Your words about self-awareness, transformation, and the need for our souls to be sanctified are truly inspiring. Your cover of "Soul of My Savior" brings this message to life so beautifully—it's heartfelt and sincere. Thank you for sharing both your music and your thoughts with us; it's a wonderful reminder to seek the color of Christ's soul in our own lives. Your performance truly touched my heart!

My senior boss @magicfingerz , you are always an inspiration to me any time you come here.
Thanks so much for coming around.

Come on brother, this is a very good interpretation.... What a pleasure to listen to you dear friend... A big hug!

I am glad you loved it broo
Thanks so much