in Hive Open Mic16 days ago

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Hello everyone! This is @ernesto6402 and I am happy to be a part of this week's Hive Open Mic. Finding the topic 'Quarezma', I was a bit confused before eventually realizing that it is not an English word. It is indeed an amazing topic given that it captures the period in which we are in.

¡Hola a todos! Soy @ernesto6402 y estoy feliz de formar parte del Open Mic del Panal de esta semana. Al encontrar el tema 'Quarezma', estaba un poco confundido antes de darme cuenta de que no es una palabra inglesa. De hecho, es un tema sorprendente, ya que capta el período en el que nos encontramos.


Among many other things, the Lenten period is a time we stretch out helping hands to her brethren. Most importantly, it is a time will see Christ in every of our brother and sister. In response to this amazing theme, I will be doing the song 'Remind Me' by Simi. It is for me a song that captures not just the message of lent, but our entire responsibility as Christians.

Entre otras muchas cosas, la Cuaresma es un tiempo en el que tendemos la mano a nuestros hermanos. Y lo que es más importante, es un tiempo en el que veremos a Cristo en cada uno de nuestros hermanos y hermanas. En respuesta a este increíble tema, interpretaré la canción "Remind Me" de Simi. Para mí es una canción que capta no sólo el mensaje de la Cuaresma, sino toda nuestra responsabilidad como cristianos.

The song remind me by Simi is written in both Nigerian pidgin English and pure English, but the message is clear and direct. It can be summarized as a message of love and charity, and that is for me what we are called to do as Christians. It brings to mind the fact that everyone around us deserve to be loved, and that we must be constantly reminded of that. Funny enough, Simi is no gospel musician, but this music of hers is certainly gospel. To ensure clarity and understanding, I will drop both the Spanish and the English translation of the song below.

La canción remind me de Simi está escrita tanto en inglés pidgin nigeriano como en inglés puro, pero el mensaje es claro y directo. Se puede resumir como un mensaje de amor y caridad, y eso es para mí lo que estamos llamados a hacer como cristianos. Nos recuerda que todos los que nos rodean merecen ser amados, y que debemos recordarlo constantemente. Curiosamente, Simi no es un músico de gospel, pero esta música suya es ciertamente gospel. Para garantizar la claridad y la comprensión, voy a dejar a continuación tanto la traducción al español como la traducción al inglés de la canción.

For those of us who are Christian, it is the season of Lent, and we must not forget to represent Christ in all that we do.

Para los que somos cristianos, es tiempo de Cuaresma, y no debemos olvidar representar a Cristo en todo lo que hacemos.


I forgot how to be
The kind of person that you asked me to be
I forgot how to see
Love in everything, I forgot totally

My brother say, "He love me", I love am too
My man call me "Honey", I call am boo
But my neighbor no like me, I hate am too
A man call me "Stupid", I call am, "Fool"

'Cause I forgot how to love
The way you asked me to
Remind me, remind me how
To lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-love
To lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-love

I forgot how to give
Those who are in need, so selfish of me
Even when it got too hard
Too hard for me to care, I forgot how to try

My baby say "She hungry", I give am food
I tell am "I will do anything for you"
But a stranger say, "Please I no get shoe"
I look am like this, say, "Who are you?"

'Cause I forgot how to love
The way you asked me to
Remind me, remind me how
To lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-love
To lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-love
To lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-love

English Translation

I forgot how to be
The kind of person that you asked me to be
I forgot how to see
Love in everything, I forgot totally

My brother said He loves me, I love him too
My man called me Honey, I called am boo
But my neighbor hates me, I hate him too
A man called me Stupid, I called him a Fool

Cause I forgot how to love
The way you asked me to
Remind me, remind me how
To lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-love
To lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-love

Traducción al español

Olvidé cómo ser
La clase de persona que me pediste que fuera
Olvidé cómo ver
El amor en todo, lo olvidé totalmente

Mi hermano dijo que me ama, yo también lo amo.
Mi hombre me llamaba Honey, yo me llamaba boo
Pero mi vecino me odia, yo también lo odio.
Un hombre me llamó Estúpido, yo le llamé Tonto

Porque olvide como amar
De la manera que me pediste
Recuérdame, recuérdame cómo


▶️ 3Speak


Your voice just dey sweet like sugar
This is pretty cool brother. You too much

Thank you so much bro for always been my hype man😁

It's been so long oo
Good to see you oo

Beautiful Entry dear..

You brought us a great song 👍😍

Yes ooo😄
It have really been long
I have not really been chanced these days

Thank you so much @benii for coming around, I guess I will be more active these days

Beautiful voice with cool rhythm 👍

Thank you so much @mamab

Wow man, this is amazing! Thank you for being part of Hive Open Mic Family 🙏🏽 Beautiful voice...

Thank you so much @jesuslnrs. It have really been a while. Time have not really allowed me to participate more often on hive, I guess I am gradually coming back

Me encantó tu presentación y escrito amigo @ernesto6402 , posees una voz hermosa, dulce y afinada y tu interpretación fué sutil y angelical. Felicitaciones 🤗🥰🫂💚💕

I loved your presentation and writing, my friend @ernesto6402. You have a beautiful, sweet, and well-tuned voice, and your performance was subtle and angelic. Congratulations 🤗🥰🫂💚💕